Android Question Another conversion problem


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I have a text box where I enter time in seconds (can be decimal values up to 3 decimals) and I have to store it as Float.
I make some math and store it as 2 bytes (4 and 5) in a byte array.
Here is the code:

Sub btnTimeSet_Click
    Dim BC As ByteConverter 
    Dim Ftime As Float
    Dim Stime As Short
    Dim conf(256) as Byte
    Ftime = Round2(etTime.Text,3)
    Ftime = (Ftime + 0.012)*40
    Stime = Floor(Ftime)
    Dim gxx() As Byte = BC.ShortsToBytes(Array As Short(Stime))
    conf(4) = gxx(1)
    conf(5) = gxx(0)
End Sub

Later in App I need to retrieve the original time value written in a textbox again as a same decimal number, so I need to convert conf(4) and conf(5) back to one Short and then to Float and write it as decimal in another textbox.

Can someone please help because I tried with BC.ShortsToBytes and BC.FloatsToBytes but I either get negative values (short) or Out of bounds exception for Float