This view makes it quick and easy to let the user make an action.
You need:
I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal or with a coffee.
Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 1.00

You need:
I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal or with a coffee.
Simple Example:
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #1",Null,0)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #2",Null,1)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #3",Null,2)
Dim Height As Float = FloatingActionMenu.ItemProperties.Height*FloatingActionMenu.Size
Dim Left As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Left + xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Width + 10dip
Dim Top As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Top + xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Height/2 - Height/2
Wait For FloatingActionMenu_ItemClicked(Item As AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item)
Select Item.Value
Case 0
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
Case 1
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
Case 2
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
End Select
Dark Example:
FloatingActionMenu.Color = xui.Color_ARGB(255,32, 33, 37)
FloatingActionMenu.TextColor = xui.Color_White
FloatingActionMenu.ItemProperties.SeperatorVisible = True
' FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #1",Null,0)
' FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #2",Null,1)
' FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #3",Null,2)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #1",FloatingActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE190),True,30,xui.Color_White),0)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #2",FloatingActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE190),True,30,xui.Color_White),1)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #3",FloatingActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE190),True,30,xui.Color_White),2)
Dim Height As Float = FloatingActionMenu.ItemProperties.Height*FloatingActionMenu.Size
Dim Left As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Left + xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Width + 10dip
Dim Top As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Top + xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Height/2 - Height/2
Wait For FloatingActionMenu_ItemClicked(Item As AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item)
Select Item.Value
Case 0
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
Case 1
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
Case 2
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
End Select
Light Example:
FloatingActionMenu.Color = xui.Color_White
FloatingActionMenu.TextColor = xui.Color_Black
FloatingActionMenu.ItemProperties.SeperatorVisible = True
' FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #1",Null,0)
' FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #2",Null,1)
' FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #3",Null,2)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #1",FloatingActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE190),True,30,xui.Color_Black),0)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #2",FloatingActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE190),True,30,xui.Color_Black),1)
FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #3",FloatingActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE190),True,30,xui.Color_Black),2)
Dim Height As Float = FloatingActionMenu.ItemProperties.Height*FloatingActionMenu.Size
Dim Left As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuLight.Left + xlbl_OpenMenuLight.Width + 10dip
Dim Top As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuLight.Top + xlbl_OpenMenuLight.Height/2 - Height/2
Wait For FloatingActionMenu_ItemClicked(Item As AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item)
Select Item.Value
Case 0
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
Case 1
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
Case 2
Log(Item.Text & " clicked")
End Select
[B4X] AS FloatingActionMenu - Open Menu above an item in a xCustomListView In this example, I let the AS_FloatingActionMenu open over an item that is in a list, no matter how far down the item is. Dim Height As Float =...

Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 1.00
- AS_FloatingActionMenu
- Events:
- ItemClicked (Item As AS_BottomActionSheet_Item)
- MenuClosed
- Fields:
- Tag As Object
- Functions:
- AddItem (Text As String, Icon As B4XBitmap, Value As Object) As String
- Class_Globals As String
- CreateAS_FloatingActionMenu_Item (Text As String, Icon As B4XBitmap, Value As Object, ItemProperties As AS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties) As AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item
- CreateAS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties (Height As Float, IconLeftGap As Float, TextLeftGap As Float, xFont As B4XFont, TextColor As Int, IconWidthHeight As Float, SeperatorVisible As Boolean, SeperatorColor As Int) As AS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties
- FontToBitmap (text As String, IsMaterialIcons As Boolean, FontSize As Float, color As Int) As B4XBitmap
FontAwesome To Bitmap
Unlike an older "TextToBitmap" sub that you can find in the forum, this code vertically centers the icon. It can also be used in B4J and B4i (only need to change the font line). Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) 'usage example Activity.AddMenuItem3("Android", "Test"
- getCloseOnTap As Boolean
Default: True - getColor As Int
- getCornerRadius As Float
Default: 10dip - GetCustomDrawItem (Index As Int) As AS_FloatingActionMenu_CustomDrawItem
- getFloatingPanel As b4j.example.as_floatingpanel
Can only be used after ShowPicker is called - getItemProperties As AS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties
- getOpenOrientation_BottomTop As String
Opens the panel from bottom to top - getOpenOrientation_LeftBottom As String
Opens the panel from left to bottom - getOpenOrientation_LeftRight As String
Opens the panel from left to right - getOpenOrientation_LeftTop As String
Opens the panel from left to top - getOpenOrientation_None As String
Opens the panel without slide, but with fade - getOpenOrientation_RightBottom As String
Opens the panel from right to bottom - getOpenOrientation_RightLeft As String
Opens the panel from right to left - getOpenOrientation_RightTop As String
Opens the panel from right to top - getOpenOrientation_TopBottom As String
Opens the panel from top to bottom - getSize As Int
Added item count - HidePicker As String
- Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String, Parent As B4XView) As String
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - setCloseOnTap (Enabled As Boolean) As String
- setColor (Color As Int) As String
- setCornerRadius (Radius As Float) As String
- setDuration (Duration As Long) As String
Default: 150 - setOpenOrientation (Orientation As String) As String
- setTextColor (Color As Int) As String
- ShowPicker (Left As Float, Top As Float, Width As Float, Height As Float)
- Properties:
- CloseOnTap As Boolean
Default: True - Color As Int
- CornerRadius As Float
Default: 10dip - Duration
Default: 150 - ItemProperties As AS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties [read only]
- OpenOrientation
- OpenOrientation_BottomTop As String [read only]
Opens the panel from bottom to top - OpenOrientation_LeftBottom As String [read only]
Opens the panel from left to bottom - OpenOrientation_LeftRight As String [read only]
Opens the panel from left to right - OpenOrientation_LeftTop As String [read only]
Opens the panel from left to top - OpenOrientation_None As String [read only]
Opens the panel without slide, but with fade - OpenOrientation_RightBottom As String [read only]
Opens the panel from right to bottom - OpenOrientation_RightLeft As String [read only]
Opens the panel from right to left - OpenOrientation_RightTop As String [read only]
Opens the panel from right to top - OpenOrientation_TopBottom As String [read only]
Opens the panel from top to bottom - Size As Int [read only]
Added item count - TextColor
- CloseOnTap As Boolean
- Events:
- AS_FloatingActionMenu_CustomDrawItem
- Fields:
- BackgroundPanel As B4XView
- IconImageView As B4XView
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - Item As AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item
- TextLabel As B4XView
- Functions:
- Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
- Initialize
- Fields:
- AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item
- Fields:
- Icon As B4XBitmap
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - ItemProperties As AS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties
- Text As String
- Value As Object
- Functions:
- Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
- Initialize
- Fields:
- AS_FloatingActionMenu_ItemProperties
- Fields:
- Height As Float
- IconLeftGap As Float
- IconWidthHeight As Float
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - SeperatorColor As Int
- SeperatorVisible As Boolean
- TextColor As Int
- TextLeftGap As Float
- xFont As B4XFont
- Functions:
- Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
- Initialize
- Fields:
- 1.00
- Release
- 1.01
- AddItem is now returning the AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item
- Add "Enabled" property to the AS_FloatingActionMenu_Item
- Deactivates an item
- The item is darkened so that the user can see that it is deactivated
Last edited: