Share My Creation Apollo Widget

An Apollo mission browser in the form of a 2x2 home screen widget, ideal for quick reference and education.

The widget provides data, enlargeable images of landing sites, crews and mission patches, as well as an audio of Neil Armstrong's voice that made history.

After installation, a splash comes up with instructions and an About button. Please appreciate that widgets cannot be moved to external memory card.

Show mercy, this is the 1st version. Friendly feedbacks are always welcome. Not all Android devices react in the same fashion while widgets are not only limited in space.

This widget is FREE and WITHOUT ads.








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Tom Christman

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Longtime User
Alfcen, it looks great!.....nice layout ! It brings me back to my youth when I used to watch every mission, and stayed up into the late evening to watch those grainy pictures coming back to earth from the moon. All your work is truly a combination of science and art. In the 4th picture, the label has Lovell, etc; but the picture is of Gus Grissom ,etc?:sign0098:


Well-Known Member
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Hi Tom,

This is truly the most charming comment I've ever received! Back in July 1969, I too, glued myself to a B&W TV with a B&W camera in front of it taking pictures with black stripes because at that young age of a mere 14 years I did not know anything about frequencies and exposure time, but I did cherish every exposure I produced. They are all gone now, but the remembrance remains forever.

Your eyes are as sharp as those of an Eagle. I will replace the photo of the Apollo 13 mission crew, shortly. Thanks a lot!


Tom Christman

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Longtime User
Robert, Thank you for sharing. I was a bit older ....25, but the vision of those memories is still sharp. Keep up the the elegant work.