App free, free music, copyrights


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For decades, I do not buy music.

I also remember CDs that cost € 40 (I hope to be wrong!).

Legal battles about the rights and digital music.

I was just writing in the Italian forum...

know strumming a guitar or piano is enough to compose a song; is much more complex to develop an app well done!

So, long live to free apps (it is ironic, :mad:)


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know strumming a guitar or piano is enough to compose a song; is much more complex to develop an app well done!

I'm afraid that will be a point of contention for the musicians on the board. I've been playing and studying guitar for 40+ years, I would say that strumming a guitar and coming up with a song is a long way from composing. You can make up a song and if you're lucky it may be good enough to sell, as people like all sorts of music, and that's how it should be. But unless they know the instrument inside out, I wouldn't call these people musicians or composers. Artists maybe, if they have a feel for music and can use the proficiency in the instrument that they may have acquired as a tool for their art.

Composing requires much more knowledge than the average strummer will have acquired.

And as for not buying music, you're missing out on an experience, unless you are downloading without paying for it, and that's a whole different rant!
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It still isn't in many cases.


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Yes, that makes my point, where an obviously talented guy is busking instead of playing to a paying audience. Although some friends of mine make a pretty good living from busking. And although obviously happy to be video'd he is unlikely to see any royalties from the publication of the video on youtube.


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I think it's a "swinging pendulum" sort of effect, and at some stage it will have to swing back a bit the other way (unless we discover free energy, and all live lives of leisure).

When I left university in 1989, my first job was for a computer company, and at the time I guess most of what we were selling was PC-AT compatible, with a few 386s for the people who thought they were high powered. A desktop PC would cost around £2,500 and a copy of a major software package like Lotus 1-2-3 was £239 - in other words, back then the cost of a piece of software was, roughly, 10% of the cost of the hardware you used to run it.

Over time, both software and PCs have become more complicated, but despite increasing volumes, the cost of software for desktops increased as a percentage - if you were to buy Excel 2013 on its own, you could easily buy a PC capable of running it for five times the cost of the software.

In the world of mobile apps, things have gone completely the other way. We have a situation now where (in common with other areas of life) the time people spend creating something is not valued at all; users post a one star review and say they feel ripped off because they spent 99 pence on something, and it only entertained them for a few hours, or object with outrage that having had full use of an app for a couple of years for just £2.49, the author has the gall to announce that there will be a charge to upgrade to the latest version.

Neither of these extremes is, in my view, sustainable over the long term. To produce a polished app often requires the resources of more than one person, unless you're one of the rare coders that's also great at graphic design, for example. 70% of a low price is unlikely to keep two people fed and clothed, while in the PC market, more and more people don't actually need the latest version of an app; I write for a living, and use Word 2008, because I don't need anything newer, so what's the point wasting money? For most people, Windows 8/8.1 falls into the same bracket - their PC works fine, so why bother, and the same is true for much other software.

I'd love to say I have a solution for how things can be pushed back to the middle ground, where software is affordable on all platforms, so the people who create it can devote their time to it, and actually make a living. Sadly I don't.


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A mystery (at least one) still exists.

I think I've written this at least 5 times on the site.

How is it possible that some SH develop an App and advertise it on television using famous testimonials and distributing it for free?

Sure, their App could be perfect, but the advertising spend is definitely worth several million Euros!

Understanding whether Erel is a man or an alien is almost even easier!!!


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A mystery (at least one) still exists.
I think I've written this at least 5 times on the site.
How is it possible that some SH develop an App and advertise it on television using famous testimonials and distributing it for free?

I think what they do is something like what was reported in the news in the USA recently. A company came up with a Kim Kardashian (a local popular celebrity) app for the iPhone. They distribute the app for free, but allow you to make in-app purchases of things like hats and dresses for Kim Kardashian to wear. Supposedly they are earning $700,000 per day (This is a lot of money).



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Longtime User
I think what they do is something like what was reported in the news in the USA recently. A company came up with a Kim Kardashian (a local popular celebrity) app for the iPhone. They distribute the app for free, but allow you to make in-app purchases of things like hats and dresses for Kim Kardashian to wear. Supposedly they are earning $700,000 per day (This is a lot of money).


Yes, I agree. In-app billing is the only solution! (I know Kim Kardashian ;), not that app).

For this reason I am TRYING to create an app that encourages the purchase of objects.


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@canalrun surely they don't purchase clothing 'for' Kim Kardashian? but you must mean they can see what she's wearing and purchase the same clothing for themselves?

Which just goes to show the kind of influence big celebrities have.

Mention a celebrity in the name of your app and you'll get thousands of downloads (but not sure how legal that is)

Mr Whitfield @nwhitfield has some very good observations there which ring true when I read his text (you can tell he's a writer)

A lot of us dread getting bad reviews on Google Play or Amazon that will diminish our app's star rating.

Often for an app that we give out for free!

I've had people saying things like "Rubbish! I regret the money I paid for this app!" when hey duh! it's free!
(and may or may not be rubbish... I won't comment on that bit :) )

As @nwhitfield observes, its a difficult decision to know if and when to upgrade to the latest M$ incarnation, especially for companies that have software written for and many applications purchased for machines that are working just fine.

Many companies are probably still using Windows 98 or at least XP because of the massive costs of upgrading their hundreds of machines to the latest unstable version of M$ OS.

And who else than Microsoft can sell you a new word processor every year?
One that still does not have a dictionary I may add, yes it has a thesaurus but a thesaurus is not a dictionary.

Wordweb now THAT's a dictionary!
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@canalrun surely they don't purchase clothing 'for' Kim Kardashian? but you must mean they can see what she's wearing and purchase the same clothing for themselves?

I have never seen the app, but the purpose seems to be to get your Kim Kardashian character to move up on Hollywood's A-list. Take a look at the webpage:

They just announced a big upgrade where you can:

Another big update – thanks for playing!
⋆ Take your star to London, England! Upscale ballroom appearances, new characters, quests, and more!
⋆ New clothing and other kustomization options for guys and gals!

The first review on the site says:

"I have been playing the game for about 2 weeks now. It was super easy to make it to the A list, it only took me a few days of regular play. The issue I have is the fact that we max out on fans. I was stuck at 87.5 million fans for over a week. The new update on 8/6 allowed me to go up in fans ..."

Why can't I think of apps like this? :D
