Android Question App rejected by google play


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I am trying to post an update of my app, but unfortunately it is rejected by google with this note:
Issue found: Not a core feature
The feature you identified that is dependent on this permission does not appear to be critical to the core functionality of your app.

Core functionality is defined as the main purpose of the app. Without this core functionality, the app is "broken" or rendered unusable. The core functionality, as well as any core features that comprise this core functionality, must all be prominently documented and promoted in the app's description.

What is it that they don't like?


  • Immagine 2022-09-20 095019.jpg
    Immagine 2022-09-20 095019.jpg
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  • AndroidManifest.xml
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It sounds to me like you perhaps made the app description a bit anemic. Go through it carefully and see if you perhaps failed to mention something that they would consider important.

(Example: Let's say your app is a traditional puzzle game, and let's say you have the feature to let the user take a photo to make their own puzzle. If you, in the description, just described it as "a traditional puzzle game", they might dislike it. Probably fixable by rewriting to "a traditional puzzle game where you also can take a photo and make a puzzle out of it".)
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Didn't they provide any information about the specific feature?

Maybe the camera feature?
After a recent review, we found that your app Referti Online ( is not compliant with one or more of our Developer Program Policies. See below for more information about your app's status and how to correct the issue.
Publishing Status

App Status: Rejected​

Your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to the policy issue(s) listed below. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.

Issue found: Not a core feature​

The feature you identified that is dependent on this permission does not appear to be critical to the core functionality of your app.
Core functionality is defined as the main purpose of the app. Without this core functionality, the app is "broken" or rendered unusable. The core functionality, as well as any core features that comprise this core functionality, must all be prominently documented and promoted in the app's description.
Please update your app so that the feature does not use this permission or ensure that the core functionality is prominently documented and promoted in the app's description and resubmit your app on Play Developer console.
Additionally, follow these steps to bring your app into compliance:

About the All Files Access Permission Policy​

Files and directory attributes on a user's device are regarded as personal and sensitive user data subject to the Personal and Sensitive User Datapolicy and the following requirements:
Apps should only request access to device storage which is critical for the app to function, and may not request access to device storage on behalf of any third-party for any purpose that is unrelated to critical user-facing app functionality.
Android devices running Android "R" (Android 11) or later, will require the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in order to manage access in shared storage. All apps that target R or later and request broad access to shared storage ("All files access") must successfully pass an appropriate access review prior to publishing. Apps allowed to use this permission must clearly prompt users to enable "All files access" for their app under "Special app access" settings. For more information on the R requirements, please see this help article.

Action required: Submit an updated app for review​

Here's what to do to help get your app on Google Play:
  1. Make sure to read the applicable policies or requirements listed below:
  2. Make appropriate changes to your app (if possible), and be sure to address the issue described above. You may also want to check your app's store listing for compliance, if applicable.
  3. Double check that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies.
  4. If you made changes to your app bundle, store listing, or APK, please sign in to your Play Console and submit the update(s).

Contact support​

If you've reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. We'll get back to you within 2 business days.

Learn More​

Visit the Android Developers Blog to learn more about free tools and resources for building safe and successful apps.
Thanks for your continued support in helping to make Google Play a positive experience for both developers and consumers. We look forward to seeing an updated version of your app on Google Play.
Please complete a two question survey to help us improve this experience.

The Google Play Team​

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After a recent review, we found that your app Referti Online ( is not compliant with one or more of our Developer Program Policies. See below for more information about your app's status and how to correct the issue.
Publishing Status

App Status: Rejected​

Your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to the policy issue(s) listed below. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.

Issue found: Not a core feature​

The feature you identified that is dependent on this permission does not appear to be critical to the core functionality of your app.
Core functionality is defined as the main purpose of the app. Without this core functionality, the app is "broken" or rendered unusable. The core functionality, as well as any core features that comprise this core functionality, must all be prominently documented and promoted in the app's description.
Please update your app so that the feature does not use this permission or ensure that the core functionality is prominently documented and promoted in the app's description and resubmit your app on Play Developer console.
Additionally, follow these steps to bring your app into compliance:

About the All Files Access Permission Policy​

Files and directory attributes on a user's device are regarded as personal and sensitive user data subject to the Personal and Sensitive User Datapolicy and the following requirements:
Apps should only request access to device storage which is critical for the app to function, and may not request access to device storage on behalf of any third-party for any purpose that is unrelated to critical user-facing app functionality.
Android devices running Android "R" (Android 11) or later, will require the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in order to manage access in shared storage. All apps that target R or later and request broad access to shared storage ("All files access") must successfully pass an appropriate access review prior to publishing. Apps allowed to use this permission must clearly prompt users to enable "All files access" for their app under "Special app access" settings. For more information on the R requirements, please see this help article.

Action required: Submit an updated app for review​

Here's what to do to help get your app on Google Play:
  1. Make sure to read the applicable policies or requirements listed below:
  2. Make appropriate changes to your app (if possible), and be sure to address the issue described above. You may also want to check your app's store listing for compliance, if applicable.
  3. Double check that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies.
  4. If you made changes to your app bundle, store listing, or APK, please sign in to your Play Console and submit the update(s).

Contact support​

If you've reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. We'll get back to you within 2 business days.

Learn More​

Visit the Android Developers Blog to learn more about free tools and resources for building safe and successful apps.
Thanks for your continued support in helping to make Google Play a positive experience for both developers and consumers. We look forward to seeing an updated version of your app on Google Play.
Please complete a two question survey to help us improve this experience.

The Google Play Team​

It seems like your app requests access to external storage which you have to describe why you are using this kind of permissions.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Didn't they provide any information about the specific feature?

Maybe the camera feature?
I have removed any reference to the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, I only use ExternalStorage to copy the old files in the old folder used by the app.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It seems like your app requests access to external storage which you have to describe why you are using this kind of permissions.
but the use of the externalstorage function does not require any prior authorization, but only after the user has confirmed the folder to be used. does this go against google rules?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It definitely looks like that's what Google doesn't like. Check your manifest in case you haven't removed the permission entry from there.
I have attached the manifest file in this post.
Could it be that using the ExternalStorage library uses these permissions prohibited by Google?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
OK - this post = first post. I'd like to see your app manifest editor contents not the one in the apk. In the xml one you do have
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
but I didn't think that Google objected to that - only that it didn't work when you requested the permission.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
OK - this post = first post. I'd like to see your app manifest editor contents not the one in the apk. In the xml one you do have
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
but I didn't think that Google objected to that - only that it didn't work when you requested the permission.
Sorry, I'm missing something, I took this file from the app folder and that's what I see from B4A too. Which one should I check?
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The xml has been processed by the IDE. Open the manifest editor in the project and select the contents and cop it. Also go to the Logs tab and press List Permissions to see the requested permissions.

The 'Read more about Use of All Files Access Permission' link in your rejection refers to MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission so that's what it is objecting too.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The xml has been processed by the IDE. Open the manifest editor in the project and select the contents and cop it. Also go to the Logs tab and press List Permissions to see the requested permissions.

The 'Read more about Use of All Files Access Permission' link in your rejection refers to MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission so that's what it is objecting too.

'This code will be applied to the manifest file during compilation.
'You do not need to modify it in most cases.
'See this link for for more information:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="30" />
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true"
android:value="barcode,,face" />
CreateResource(xml, provider_paths,
<files-path name="name" path="shared" />
SetApplicationAttribute(android:icon, "@drawable/icon")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:label, "$LABEL$")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:largeHeap, "true")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme")
AddPermission (android.permission.INTERNET)
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
<data android:scheme="http" />
<data android:scheme="https" />
<data android:host="" />
'End of default text.

' android:scheme="http"
' android:host=""
' android:path="/getreport.aspx" />

'<data android:scheme="refertionline" />


  • Immagine 2022-09-20 152638.jpg
    Immagine 2022-09-20 152638.jpg
    35.4 KB · Views: 187
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The xml has been processed by the IDE. Open the manifest editor in the project and select the contents and cop it. Also go to the Logs tab and press List Permissions to see the requested permissions.

The 'Read more about Use of All Files Access Permission' link in your rejection refers to MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission so that's what it is objecting too.
Unfortunately a reference to DirDefaultExternal was left on a module, I removed it and now I only have the permission of the CAMERA with *, could this be a problem?
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