An inline C wrap for this Github project. Should be able to use it for PID control. It works very well.
Study the code - change your pins to what you need. For the attached project:
A0 = plant feedback
A1 = Setpoint
D0 = control parameter
The attached zip includes PIDController.hpp - you can leave it in the B4R project folder as the inline C code is defined as:
Note this sub - it is specific to your "plant and you need to amend it accordingly (I have used a LDR as plant feedback)":
Shout if you need some clarification - will try to assist the best I can. But this is a very nice PIDController.
Study the code - change your pins to what you need. For the attached project:
A0 = plant feedback
A1 = Setpoint
D0 = control parameter
The attached zip includes PIDController.hpp - you can leave it in the B4R project folder as the inline C code is defined as:
#include "PIDController.hpp"
Note this sub - it is specific to your "plant and you need to amend it accordingly (I have used a LDR as plant feedback)":
Sub readFeedback As Float 'specific to the LDR I am using as feedback from the "plant"
Dim mean As Float = 0
Dim V As Float
For i = 0 To 99
V = feedbackpin.AnalogRead
mean = mean + (V * A * 10) / (B * Rc * (1024 - V))
mean = mean / 100
Return mean
End Sub
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder: ide://run?File=%WINDIR%\System32\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects\Src
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Dim t As Timer
Dim kp, ki, kd As Double 'Used to set the kp, ki, kd parameters in the inline C code
Dim setpointpin, feedbackpin, outputpin, additionaloutputpin As Pin
Dim setpointval, feedbackval As UInt
Dim outputval As Int 'inline C code will set this value
Dim output_min, output_max As Double 'inline C code will use these value
Dim A As Long = 1000 'Resistance in darkness in KΩ
Dim B As Int = 15 'Light resistance (10 Lux) in KΩ
Dim Rc As Int = 10 'Calibration resistance in KΩ
Dim direction_direct As Byte = 0
Dim direction_reverse As Byte = 1
Dim proportionalOn_measure As Byte = 0
Dim proportionalOn_error As Byte = 1
Dim setpnt As Int 'inline C code will set this value
Dim illum As Int 'inline C code will set this value
Dim outpt As Int 'inline C code will set this value
Dim ito As Boolean 'inline C code will set this value
Dim error As Double 'inline C code will set this value
Dim correctedkp, correctedki, correctedkd As Double 'inline C code will set this value
Dim termp, termi, termd As Double 'inline C code will set this value
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
t.Initialize("t_tick", 100)
output_min = 0
output_max = 255
kp = 0.4 'the kp constant of the PID controller
ki = 6.0 'the ki constant of the PID controller
kd = 0.0001 'the kd constant of the PID controller
setpointpin.Initialize(cont.CONTROLLINO_A1, setpointpin.MODE_INPUT) 'pin 55
feedbackpin.Initialize(cont.CONTROLLINO_A0, feedbackpin.MODE_INPUT) 'pin 54
outputpin.Initialize(cont.CONTROLLINO_D0, outputpin.MODE_OUTPUT) 'pin 2
additionaloutputpin.Initialize(cont.CONTROLLINO_D1, additionaloutputpin.MODE_OUTPUT) 'pin 3
feedbackval = feedbackpin.AnalogRead
setpointval = setpointpin.AnalogRead
RunNative("setFeedbackValue", Null) 'pass the plant feedback value to the PIDController
RunNative("setSetpointValue", Null) 'pass the setpoint (in this case a POT) to the PIDController
RunNative("TurnOn", Null) 'Turn the PIDController ON
RunNative("setParameters", Null) 'set the kp, ki, kd parameters of the PIDController
RunNative("SetOutputLimits", Null) 'limit the output to the range 0...255
RunNative("SetDirection", direction_direct) 'can also be direction_reverse
t.Enabled = True 'enable the timer
End Sub
Sub t_tick
feedbackval = readFeedback 'get the feedback from the plant (in this case a LDR) - see the B4R Sub
setpointval = setpointpin.AnalogRead / 4
RunNative("setSetpointValue", Null) 'set the setpoint value of the PIDController
RunNative("setFeedbackValue", Null) 'pass the palnt feedback value to the PIDController
RunNative("Update", Null) 'Tell the PIDController to update itself based on new values that was set above
RunNative("getOutputValue", Null) 'get the Output value of the PIDController - it will update variable outputval of the B4R code
outputpin.AnalogWrite(outputval) 'write the output value to the output pin (in this case a LED that changes brightness and shines directly onto the LDR))
additionaloutputpin.AnalogWrite(outputval) 'just an additional output - I have a 24VDC fan connected to this pin
Log("Setpoint = ", setpointval) 'Log the Setpoint - it is set by the inline C code
Log("Feedback = ", feedbackval) 'Log the Illumination value from the LDR - it is set by the inline C code
Log("Output = ", outputval) 'Log the Output - it is set by the inline C code and will drive the brighness of the LED that is aimed at the LDR
RunNative("IsTurnedOn", Null) 'check if the PID controller is on
Log("isTurnedOn = ", ito)
RunNative("GetError", Null) 'get the error between the setpoint and the feedack
Log("Error = ", error)
' RunNative("GetKp", Null)
' Log("Kp = ", kp)
' RunNative("GetKi", Null)
' Log("Ki = ", ki)
' RunNative("GetKd", Null)
' Log("Kd = ", kd)
' RunNative("GetCorrectedKp", Null)
' Log("correctedKp = ", correctedkp)
' RunNative("GetCorrectedKi", Null)
' Log("correctedKi = ", correctedki)
' RunNative("GetCorrectedKd", Null)
' Log("correctedKd = ", correctedkd)
' RunNative("GetTermP", Null)
' Log("TermP = ", termp)
' RunNative("GetTermI", Null)
' Log("TermI = ", termi)
' RunNative("GetTermD", Null)
' Log("TermD = ", termd)
Log(" ")
End Sub
Sub readFeedback As Float 'specific to the LDR I am using as feedback from the "plant"
Dim mean As Float = 0
Dim V As Float
For i = 0 To 99
V = feedbackpin.AnalogRead
mean = mean + (V * A * 10) / (B * Rc * (1024 - V))
mean = mean / 100
Return mean
End Sub
#If C
#include "PIDController.hpp"
int pidDirection;
int pidProportionalOn;
PID::PIDParameters < double > parameters;
PID::PIDController < double > pidController(parameters);
void setFeedbackValue(B4R::Object* o) {
pidController.Input = b4r_main::_feedbackval;
void setSetpointValue(B4R::Object* o) {
pidController.Setpoint = b4r_main::_setpointval;
void getOutputValue(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_outputval = pidController.Output;
void setParameters(B4R::Object* o) {
parameters.Set(b4r_main::_kp, b4r_main::_ki, b4r_main::_kd);
void SetOutputLimits(B4R::Object* o) {
pidController.SetOutputLimits(b4r_main::_output_min, b4r_main::_output_max);
void Update(B4R::Object* o) {
void TurnOn(B4R::Object* o) {
void TurnOff(B4R::Object* o) {
void Toggle(B4R::Object* o) {
void IsTurnedOn(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_ito = pidController.IsTurnedOn();
void GetError(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_error = pidController.GetError();
void GetKp(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_kp = pidController.GetKp();
void GetKi(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_ki = pidController.GetKi();
void GetKd(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_kd = pidController.GetKd();
void GetCorrectedKp(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_correctedkp = pidController.GetCorrectedKp();
void GetCorrectedKi(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_correctedki = pidController.GetCorrectedKi();
void GetCorrectedKd(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_correctedkd = pidController.GetCorrectedKd();
void GetTermP(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_termp = pidController.GetTermP();
void GetTermI(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_termi = pidController.GetTermI();
void GetTermD(B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_termd = pidController.GetTermD();
void SetDirection(B4R::Object* o) {
pidDirection = (Byte)o->toULong();
if (pidDirection == 0)
if (pidDirection == 1)
void SetProportionalOn(B4R::Object* o) {
pidProportionalOn = (Byte)o->toULong();
if (pidProportionalOn == 0)
if (pidProportionalOn == 1)
#End If
Shout if you need some clarification - will try to assist the best I can. But this is a very nice PIDController.