Is is normal that an audiostream broadcast on a phone is limited to only 1 active connection?
When I connect phone2 (receiver) to phone1 (broadcaster) it works fine
When I connect phone3 (receiver) to phone1 (broadcaster) the stream to phone2 stops
and worst case I need to reconnect once again or a few times before the stream to phone3 works.
the connection is currently forced with a button press from phone 2 & 3.
Is is normal that an audiostream broadcast on a phone is limited to only 1 active connection?
When I connect phone2 (receiver) to phone1 (broadcaster) it works fine
When I connect phone3 (receiver) to phone1 (broadcaster) the stream to phone2 stops
and worst case I need to reconnect once again or a few times before the stream to phone3 works.
the connection is currently forced with a button press from phone 2 & 3.