Wish Automatic operations in IDE

Jack Cole

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
There are some time saving things that could be done in the IDE to help speed the development process.

1). Automatic closed quote. When the user types a " in the IDE, it would be nice if it would automatically produce a closed quote.

2). Automatic closed parenthesis. Same as above.

3). When typing a " when text is selected, it would be good to put the quotes around the selected text rather than replacing the text with a quote.

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
1. When you use smart strings the start and closing are automatically presented, allowing easy insert.
2. and 3. would result in errors for me in the way I type and could lead to difficult to detect bugs

Jack Cole

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
1. When you use smart strings the start and closing are automatically presented, allowing easy insert.
2. and 3. would result in errors for me in the way I type and could lead to difficult to detect bugs

It is a common practice to do these things in most modern IDEs. If 2 is a problem, you can hit backspace or delete. If 3 is a problem, you can hit delete. Anyway, one way to handle it would be to make it where the user can turn these features on or off.