This library helps accessing views of an activity.
Views can be accessed by name (GetViewByName)
The library is part of the xnObjects library (version 2.55 and above).
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Views can be accessed by name (GetViewByName)
The library is part of the xnObjects library (version 2.55 and above).
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim ctx As b4aActivityContext
ctx.Initialize ( Activity )
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
ctx.AddViewButton ( "uno" , "b" , 10dip , 10dip , 120dip , 60dip )
ctx.AddViewButton ( "due" , "c" , 10dip , 70dip , 120dip , 60dip )
ctx.AddViewEditText ( "tre" , "b" , 170dip , 10dip , 120dip , 60dip )
ctx.AddViewEditText ( "qua" , "b" , 170dip , 70dip , 120dip , 60dip )
ctx.AddViewButton ( "zzz" , "c" , 10dip , 140dip , 60dip , 60dip )
ctx.AddViewSpinner ( "sp" , "s" , 10dip , 210dip , 240dip , 49dip )
ctx.AddViewCheckBox ( "cb" , "s" , 10dip , 260dip , 240dip , 40dip )
ctx.AddViewLabel ( "lb" , "s" , 10dip , 300dip , 240dip , 40dip )
If ctx.ViewExistsButton("uno") Then
ctx.ViewGetButton("uno").Text = "uno"
End If
If ctx.ViewExistsEditText("tre") Then
ctx.ViewGetEditText("tre").Text = "tre"
End If
If ctx.ViewExistsLabel("lb") Then
ctx.ViewGetLabel("lb").Text = "lb"
End If
If ctx.ViewExistsCheckBox("cb") Then
ctx.ViewGetCheckBox("cb").Text = "cb"
End If
If ctx.ViewExistsSpinner("sp") Then
End If
End Sub
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