Other B4A v9.0 has been released


B4X founder
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I'm happy to release B4A v9.0. Most of the steps in the compilation process were rewritten and compilation is now much faster. This update also includes many other important improvements.

  • Compilation performance (about 2 times faster for first compilation and up to 4 times faster on following compilations).
  • Bookmarks and breakpoints are listed in the modules tree:

  • Auto backup improvements:
    • Project is saved before backup, based on the auto save option.
    • Project name added to the backup file.
    • The project folder is configurable (AutoBackupFolder in the ini file).
  • Warning for unused parameters in private, non-event, subs.
  • Additional library folder can be configured with a B4X folder for cross platform libraries: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-additional-libraries-folder.103165/
  • #Event declarations appear in the autocomplete list.
  • Fix for a long standing issue that caused scope changes of global variables to not always be detected.
  • Workaround for Android issue (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/113122354) that caused services to fail to start in some edge cases. This is based on the automatic foreground mode feature.
  • Copy to clipboard option in the permissions dialog.
  • Missing maven resources can be added to the internal or additional libraries folders.
  • com.google.auto.value-auto-value-annotations added as an internal library. This is a missing maven resource that required by Firebase libraries.
  • B4XCollections, B4XFormatter, B4XTable, XML2Map and XUI Views are internal libraries.
  • Foreground services permission is added automatically. Required when setting targetSdkVersion to 28.
  • CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Core.NetworkClearText) - Required when setting targetSdkVersion to 28 when communicating with non-SSL servers.
  • Application.Icon works with adaptive icons.
  • FirebaseAdMob v1.54 - Fixes an issue related to targetSdkVersion 28. ReceveAd event is raised when the activity resumes (if it fired while the activity was paused).
  • Files are listed in the removal dialog.
  • OkHttpUtils2 v2.81 - Includes a call to Service.StopAutomaticForeground (related to the workaround discussed above).
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.

An email with upgrade instructions will be sent to developers who are eligible for free upgrades. Other developers will receive a discount offer.

Serdar K.

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you, Erel. This is a great improvement as always, unlike updates on other software products on the market. Whenever a new version is published on B4X platforms, we are sure it will be worth upgrading and we'll experience massive improvements.


I'm happy to release B4A v9.0. Most of the steps in the compilation process were rewritten and compilation is now much faster. This update also includes many other important improvements.

  • Compilation performance (about 2 times faster for first compilation and up to 4 times faster on following compilations).
  • Bookmarks and breakpoints are listed in the modules tree:

  • Auto backup improvements:
    • Project is saved before backup, based on the auto save option.
    • Project name added to the backup file.
    • The project folder is configurable (AutoBackupFolder in the ini file).
  • Warning for unused parameters in private, non-event, subs.
  • Additional library folder can be configured with a B4X folder for cross platform libraries: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-additional-libraries-folder.103165/
  • #Event declarations appear in the autocomplete list.
  • Fix for a long standing issue that caused scope changes of global variables to not always be detected.
  • Workaround for Android issue (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/113122354) that caused services to fail to start in some edge cases. This is based on the automatic foreground mode feature.
  • Copy to clipboard option in the permissions dialog.
  • Missing maven resources can be added to the internal or additional libraries folders.
  • com.google.auto.value-auto-value-annotations added as an internal library. This is a missing maven resource that required by Firebase libraries.
  • B4XCollections, B4XFormatter, B4XTable, XML2Map and XUI Views are internal libraries.
  • Foreground services permission is added automatically. Required when setting targetSdkVersion to 28.
  • CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Core.NetworkClearText) - Required when setting targetSdkVersion to 28 when communicating with non-SSL servers.
  • Application.Icon works with adaptive icons.
  • FirebaseAdMob v1.54 - Fixes an issue related to targetSdkVersion 28. ReceveAd event is raised when the activity resumes (if it fired while the activity was paused).
  • Files are listed in the removal dialog.
  • OkHttpUtils2 v2.81 - Includes a call to Service.StopAutomaticForeground (related to the workaround discussed above).
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.
An email with upgrade instructions will be sent to developers who are eligible for free upgrades. Other developers will receive a discount offer.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
V9 is looking for a specific folder under android-sdk\tools... which I don't have on my system. V8.8 is fine.


  • b4x.PNG
    13.4 KB · Views: 467
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I get an error when loading a project that uses AppCompat library (teted with AppCompat 3.52 and 4.00).

Sin título.png

The file test.zio is a simple-sample project.


  • test.zip
    7.2 KB · Views: 425
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New Member
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This is odd, the installer will not let me acknowledge the license agreement, So I am unable to complete the installation?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
@evbedp first have you done what the last 2 lines of the error message says?
i have follow the instruction, to change IDE Configure Process Timeout from 60 to 180. but i still can't compile my project.
if i remove firebase, i can compile my project without problem.

when i change compilation mode to "Debug" error change to

@Erel My Computer Spesifiction ( Core i7 2.3Ghz, RAM 8GB, and SSD Disk )
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Increasing MaxRamForDex will probably solve the high CPU issue.

Close the IDE. This is a must.

Edit the INI file: C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\b4xV5.ini
Set MaxRamForDex to 2096.
Yeah, My problem is solved with this solution. thank you
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B4X founder
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V9 is looking for a specific folder under android-sdk\tools

I get an error when loading a project that uses AppCompat library (teted with AppCompat 3.52 and 4.00).
You cannot install Android SDK under Program Files. It is a restricted folder.
See the installation instructions: https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html#installation

This is odd, the installer will not let me acknowledge the license agreement, So I am unable to complete the installation?
Were you able to solve it? What exactly are you seeing?
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Well-Known Member
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I followed the advice and downloaded the Android SDK from scratch. The compilation time has significantly reduced to B4A 9 by a good several dozen seconds. My old SDK was still updated on a regular basis but apparently there was too much garbage which slowed down the compilation.
Good job.
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Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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on my windows 7 pro, no installation works: exe launch does nothing and then the file is deleted.

B4A 8.80 works regularly.

thank you
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