iOS Question B4i GoogleMaps hide POI (points of interest)


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I am able to hide POI (points of interest) for Google Maps in B4A by using the below code:

B4X: code here

        Dim MapStyle As String = $"[{"featureType":"poi","stylers":[{"visibility": "off"}]}]"$
        SetGoogleMapStyle(gmap, MapStyle) 'this is used to make points-of-interest (restaurants, businesses, etc.) invisible

        ..........more map code here

Public Sub SetGoogleMapStyle(mGoogleMap As GoogleMap, mMapStyle As String) As Boolean 'this is used to make points-of-interest (restaurants, businesses, etc.) invisible
    Dim jo As JavaObject = mGoogleMap
    Dim style As JavaObject
    style.InitializeNewInstance("", Array(mMapStyle))
    Return jo.RunMethod("setMapStyle", Array(style))
End Sub

I can't port this to B4i because of no JavaObject

Is there a way to do this in B4i?