Wish b4j jServer library -> B4i


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i wish we could have a server library like we have in b4j (jServer v3.00) for b4i AND for b4i so we can run a webserver in our app and connect to it via web browser.


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jServer has a lot of functions like jQuery elements and iHttpServer is still in development.
if you would look at the thread you would see me taking a big part in the discussion so the wish is still relevant.


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Why hosting a server inside an Apple iPhone or iPad device? Use a "real" server hardware or a raspberry Pi that can run jar.


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what can we do Master Erel???

can this be a solution for us?

or this:

i have just completed my second webserver that works great with b4j and jServer and i really would like to run it from my b4i app. i think it will open lots of new opportunities to be able to run a webserver on mobile apps.
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Why hosting a server inside an Apple iPhone or iPad device? Use a "real" server hardware or a raspberry Pi that can run jar.

see this thread:



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Hi aeric,

The main reason (at least for me) is that it simplifies "a lot" when you're build an app for a "non-internet" scenario and you need to have multiple devices reading data from a server.

Usually when we speak about http server on an android device, people think about "hosting a server" to serve websites or something... for me, that's not the case. It's just about having a simple API on the server that the clients use.

If we've powerfull and cheap android machines nowadays, why complication the instalation with an extra raspberry box? I totally understand ilan. I'm using it on Android (since my project is android based).



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Usually when we speak about http server on an android device, people think about "hosting a server" to serve websites or something... for me, that's not the case. It's just about having a simple API on the server that the clients use.

you literally defined my purpose for such a library ! :eek: