I found this benchmark that tests the same algorithm in multiple programming languages and decided to test it in B4J.
I've implemented the two algorithms.
And the results (measured in seconds):
Algorithm #1
B4J: 2.78
Java: 3.07
Java with the limit calculated before the loop (as in B4J): 2.91
C#: 2.69
Algorithm #2 - sieve
The C# code was fixed to only return the count of primes without collecting the primes, and the maximum was set to 200M.
B4J - same algorithm as the C# algorithm: 1.80
Java: 1.90
C#: 2.50
What does it mean?
The exact numbers aren't important. Small changes in the code can affect the results in unexpected ways due to the underlying compiler optimizations.
It does show that B4J, Java and C# have similar core performance.
I've implemented the two algorithms.
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
#if debug
Log("Never test performance in debug mode!!!")
#End If
Dim start As Long = DateTime.Now
'Algorithm #1
Dim counter As Int = GetAllPrimesLessThan1(20000000) '20,000,000
'Algorithm #2
' Dim counter As Int = GetAllPrimesLessThan2(200000000) '200,000,000
Dim EndTime As Long = DateTime.Now
Log($"number of primes: ${NumberFormat2(counter, 0, 0, 0, True)}"$)
Log($"Time: $1.4{(EndTime - start) / 1000}"$)
End Sub
Private Sub GetAllPrimesLessThan1 (MaxPrime As Int) As Int
Dim counter As Int
For i = 2 To MaxPrime - 1
If IsPrime(i) Then counter = counter + 1
Return counter
End Sub
Private Sub IsPrime(Num As Int) As Boolean
If Num <= 1 Then Return False
If Num <= 3 Then Return True
If ((Num Mod 2) = 0 Or (Num Mod 3) = 0) Then Return False
For c = 5 To Sqrt(Num) Step 6
If ((Num Mod c) = 0 Or Num Mod (c + 2) = 0) Then Return False
Return True
End Sub
Private Sub GetAllPrimesLessThan2 (MaxPrime As Int) As Int
Dim Count As Int = 0
Dim MaxSquareRoot As Int = Sqrt(MaxPrime)
Dim eliminated As B4XBitSet 'B4XCollections (collections implemented in B4A)
eliminated.Initialize(MaxPrime + 1)
For i = 2 To MaxPrime
If eliminated.Get(i) = False Then
Count = Count + 1
If i <= MaxSquareRoot Then
For j = i * i To MaxPrime Step i
eliminated.Set(j, True)
End If
End If
Return Count
End Sub
And the results (measured in seconds):
Algorithm #1
B4J: 2.78
Java: 3.07
Java with the limit calculated before the loop (as in B4J): 2.91
C#: 2.69
Algorithm #2 - sieve
The C# code was fixed to only return the count of primes without collecting the primes, and the maximum was set to 200M.
B4J - same algorithm as the C# algorithm: 1.80
Java: 1.90
C#: 2.50
What does it mean?
The exact numbers aren't important. Small changes in the code can affect the results in unexpected ways due to the underlying compiler optimizations.
It does show that B4J, Java and C# have similar core performance.