B4J Code Snippet B4j Print JavaFX8 Create custom paper

I came across this snippet when helping a user on the forum and thought it may be more widely useful:

Create a Paper instance,
'Create a new Paper
'Units should be one of MM, INCH or POINT
Public Sub CreatePaper(Name As String, Width As Double, Height As Double, Units As String) As Paper
    Dim tUnits As JavaObject
    Dim PrintH As JavaObject
    Dim P As Paper
    Return P
End Sub

To use in Java 9+ you will need to add to the top of your Main Module:
#VirtualMachineArgs: --add-opens javafx.graphics/javafx.print=ALL-UNNAMED
#VirtualMachineArgs: --add-opens javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.print=ALL-UNNAMED

To package the app you will also need:
#PackagerProperty : VMArgs = --add-opens  javafx.graphics/javafx.print=b4j
#PackagerProperty : VMArgs = --add-opens  javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.print=b4j

The classes are com.sun classes and I can't find documentation for them - see post #2.

This should be used with caution of course, there is no guarantee that a printer will honour a paper size that it does not support with possible unforeseeable consequences.
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