B4A and B4I Only
with this Class you can create a Device UID.
Creation Android:
Creation IOS:
On IOS after uninstalling the App the Vendor ID is a other id, it is require to put the string in the keychain with:
and get:
with this Class you can create a Device UID.
Creation Android:
- App ID 'a fixed id on class global (Obfuscated) ' Example: 7038c50061d2e5db54e3bea7faf6a65ffaacd831
- Phone Number on Simcard '"null"` if not provided by sim card (not all do this)
- Hardware Serial 'android.os.Build.SERIAL
- Device ID 'TelephonyManager.getDeviceId())
- Subscriber ID 'TelephonyManager.getSubscriberId()` or `"null"
- Sim Serial Number 'TelephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber()` or `"null"
Creation IOS:
- App ID 'a fixed id on class global
- Vendor Identifier
On IOS after uninstalling the App the Vendor ID is a other id, it is require to put the string in the keychain with: