Android Example [B4X] AS Settings - Deactivate a property if a certain condition is met

You need AS_Settings V2.00+ for this example

The object property has a new variable called "view". It contains the view with which the user interacts. e.g. for a boolean it is the B4XSwitch, for a text it is the TextField.

In the following example, I deactivate PropertyName_2 and PropertyName_3 whenever PropertyName_1 is not True.

Private Sub AS_Settings1_ValueChanged(Property As AS_Settings_Property, Value As Object)
    Select Property.PropertyName
        Case "PropertyName_1"
            AS_Settings1.MainPage.GetProperty("PropertyName_2").View.As(B4XSwitch).Enabled = Value
            AS_Settings1.MainPage.GetProperty("PropertyName_3").View.As(B4XSwitch).Enabled = Value
        Case Else
            Log("PropertyName: " & Property.PropertyName & " Value: " & Value)
    End Select
End Sub

AS_Settings GetProperty Example.gif
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