Android Question B4X builder - Skipping missing maven: org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib


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I get this error, Skipping missing maven: org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib, only when using C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A\B4ABuilder.exe
The error does not occur during IDE compilation. I recently got a new laptop and have moved all additional libs over, etc with a clean new B4X environment. I am using Android SDK + Required Resources from the site and Open JDK 11 for compiling.

I am not aware that any of the libs are kotlin based but would like to solve the error. All the app compile and run fine.




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Yes, all the apps work fine. We may have 5-10 separate builds for each product. These are usually for customers work have there own MDM solutions so we make a build for each customer.

question, how do I fix the warning ?
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Skipping missing maven: org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib

I get the same message when building a project (project A). So I started with a blank project (a new Default project - project B) and b4abuilder did not produce the warning. So, just for kicks, I thought about adding the libraries I use in project A, one at a time. The following libraries seem to cause the issue:

AppCompat v4.02
FileProvider v1.00
RuntimePermissions v1.12

Note that this is not a complete list of libraries that may cause this issue, that's just the libraries in project A causing the problem. Since this issue does not present itself when compiling the project via the IDE, I don't think that we are dealing with missing components, but with some sort of configuration issue with the b4abuilder itself that can either be overwritten with some flags for the b4abuilder or that needs an updated b4abuilder.
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