I have been experimenting with DSE.
Just a small change in @Erel 's Numpad example can preserve aspect ratio.
(I also put lower and upper limits on text scaling)
Just a small change in @Erel 's Numpad example can preserve aspect ratio.
(I also put lower and upper limits on text scaling)
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private PresetValues As Map
Private dd As DDD
Private fillProp As Float
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
fillProp = .5
End Sub
Private Sub ScaleNumpad(DesignerArgs As DesignerArgs)
If DesignerArgs.FirstRun Then
For Each view As B4XView In DesignerArgs.Views
PresetValues.Put(view, Array As Int(view.Left, view.Top, view.Width, view.Height, IIf(view Is Button, view.TextSize, 0)))
End If
Dim MainParent As B4XView = dd.GetViewByName(DesignerArgs.Parent, "Pane1")
Dim MainPreset() As Int = PresetValues.Get(MainParent)
If DesignerArgs.ParentWidth < 5 Or DesignerArgs.ParentHeight < 5 Then Return
Dim ScaleX As Float = DesignerArgs.ParentWidth / MainPreset(2)
Dim ScaleY As Float = DesignerArgs.ParentHeight / MainPreset(3)
Dim Scale As Float = Min(ScaleX, ScaleY) * fillProp
'If Scale > 1.5 Then Scale = 1.5 'Can also set upper limit on upscaling - really big buttons look ugly
Dim w As Float = MainPreset(2) * Scale
Dim h As Float = MainPreset(3) * Scale
MainParent.SetLayoutAnimated(0, Root.Width / 2 - w /2, Root.Height / 2 - h / 2, w, h)
For i = 0 To MainParent.NumberOfViews - 1
Dim btn As B4XView = MainParent.GetView(i)
Dim preset() As Int = PresetValues.Get(btn)
btn.SetLayoutAnimated(0, preset(0) * Scale, preset(1) * Scale, preset(2) * Scale, preset(3) * Scale)
btn.TextSize = Max(12, Min(30, preset(4) * Scale)) 'prevent text from getting too small or too big
End Sub
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