The ConnectAndReconnect sub takes care of connecting to the broker and reconnecting if the connection has broken.
It sends a "ping" request every 5 seconds to help the MQTT client recognize network failures.
It is a nice example of how Wait For and Sleep can help to manage the network state which is completely asynchronous.
The ConnectAndReconnect sub will keep running until you set the working variable to False.
In B4A it is recommended to put it in the starter service:
It is recommended to use B4XPages and call it from B4XPage_Created.
Set working to False before you close the connection.
Make sure to only call this code once.
This code is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J.
It sends a "ping" request every 5 seconds to help the MQTT client recognize network failures.
It is a nice example of how Wait For and Sleep can help to manage the network state which is completely asynchronous.
The ConnectAndReconnect sub will keep running until you set the working variable to False.
Sub ConnectAndReconnect
Do While working
If mqtt.IsInitialized Then mqtt.Close
Do While mqtt.IsInitialized
mqtt.Initialize("mqtt", "ssl://", "B4X" & Rnd(0, 999999999))
Dim mo As MqttConnectOptions
mo.Initialize(username, password)
Log("Trying to connect")
Wait For Mqtt_Connected (Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
Log("Mqtt connected")
Do While working And mqtt.Connected
mqtt.Publish2("ping", Array As Byte(0), 1, False) 'change the ping topic as needed
Log("Error connecting.")
End If
End Sub
Sub Process_Globals
Private working As Boolean = True
Private mqtt As MqttClient
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
working = True
End Sub
It is recommended to use B4XPages and call it from B4XPage_Created.
Set working to False before you close the connection.
Make sure to only call this code once.
This code is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J.
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