Android Code Snippet [B4X] [XUI] Faster* DrawPolygon Method

You can draw polygons with B4XCanvas.DrawPath. The following code calls B4XCanvas.DrawPath on B4A and B4i and calls a different method in B4J. DrawPath in B4J is slower than the other drawing methods as it requires clipping the canvas (it is only required in B4J).

To summarize, only use this code if you encountered a performance issue with B4XCanvas.DrawPath in B4J:

Sub Page1_Click
   DrawPolygon(cvs, Array (Array As Int(100dip, 100dip), Array As Int(200dip, 0), _
       Array As Int (300dip, 100dip), Array As Int(200dip, 200dip), Array As Int(100dip, 100dip)), _
        xui.Color_Red, True, 2dip)
End Sub

Sub DrawPolygon (cvs1 As B4XCanvas, Points As List, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Double)
   If Points.Size < 1 Then Return
   #if B4A or B4i
   Dim FirstPoint() As Int = Points.Get(0)
   Dim p As B4XPath
   p.Initialize(FirstPoint(0), FirstPoint(1))
   For i = 1 To Points.Size - 1
       Dim point() As Int = Points.Get(i)
       p.LineTo(point(0), point(1))
   cvs1.DrawPath(p, Color, Filled, StrokeWidth)
   Dim jcvs As JavaObject = cvs1
   jcvs = jcvs.GetFieldJO("cvs").RunMethodJO("getObject", Null).RunMethod("getGraphicsContext2D", Null)
   jcvs.RunMethod("save", Null)
   Dim xpoints(Points.Size), ypoints(Points.Size) As Double
   For i = 0 To Points.Size - 1
       Dim point() As Int = Points.Get(i)
       xpoints(i) = point(0)
       ypoints(i) = point(1)
   Dim paint As Object = fx.Colors.From32Bit(Color)
   If Filled Then
       jcvs.RunMethod("setFill", Array(paint))
       jcvs.RunMethod("fillPolygon", Array(xpoints, ypoints, Points.Size))
       jcvs.RunMethod("setStroke", Array(paint))
       jcvs.RunMethod("setLineWidth", Array(StrokeWidth))
       jcvs.RunMethod("strokePolygon", Array(xpoints, ypoints, Points.Size))
   End If
   jcvs.RunMethod("restore", Null)
   #End If
End Sub


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Longtime User
Why not edit jXUI library and have this method already integrated into jB4XCanvas class?


Licensed User
Longtime User


Licensed User
Longtime User
You can draw polygons with B4XCanvas.DrawPath. The following code calls B4XCanvas.DrawPath on B4A and B4i and calls a different method in B4J. DrawPath in B4J is slower than the other drawing methods as it requires clipping the canvas (it is only required in B4J).

To summarize, only use this code if you encountered a performance issue with B4XCanvas.DrawPath in B4J:

Sub Page1_Click
   DrawPolygon(cvs, Array (Array As Int(100dip, 100dip), Array As Int(200dip, 0), _
       Array As Int (300dip, 100dip), Array As Int(200dip, 200dip), Array As Int(100dip, 100dip)), _
        xui.Color_Red, True, 2dip)
End Sub

Sub DrawPolygon (cvs1 As B4XCanvas, Points As List, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Double)
   If Points.Size < 1 Then Return
   #if B4A or B4i
   Dim FirstPoint() As Int = Points.Get(0)
   Dim p As B4XPath
   p.Initialize(FirstPoint(0), FirstPoint(1))
   For i = 1 To Points.Size - 1
       Dim point() As Int = Points.Get(i)
       p.LineTo(point(0), point(1))
   cvs1.DrawPath(p, Color, Filled, StrokeWidth)
   Dim jcvs As JavaObject = cvs1
   jcvs = jcvs.GetFieldJO("cvs").RunMethodJO("getObject", Null).RunMethod("getGraphicsContext2D", Null)
   jcvs.RunMethod("save", Null)
   Dim xpoints(Points.Size), ypoints(Points.Size) As Double
   For i = 0 To Points.Size - 1
       Dim point() As Int = Points.Get(i)
       xpoints(i) = point(0)
       ypoints(i) = point(1)
   Dim paint As Object = fx.Colors.From32Bit(Color)
   If Filled Then
       jcvs.RunMethod("setFill", Array(paint))
       jcvs.RunMethod("fillPolygon", Array(xpoints, ypoints, Points.Size))
       jcvs.RunMethod("setStroke", Array(paint))
       jcvs.RunMethod("setLineWidth", Array(StrokeWidth))
       jcvs.RunMethod("strokePolygon", Array(xpoints, ypoints, Points.Size))
   End If
   jcvs.RunMethod("restore", Null)
   #End If
End Sub
Is it already included in XUI library 1.72?