Don't use this.
Latest version is included in XUI Views.
For rich text, use
A custom view with a label that scrolls automatically when the text is wider than the label.
The class is supported by B4A, B4i and B4J. It depends on XUI v1.46+.
Note that in B4A, if not using B4XPages, you should add this code to Activity_Resume:
A B4J example is attached. The class is inside the zip.
V1.10 - Text color can be set in the designer (under Text properties).
Latest version is included in XUI Views.
For rich text, use
A custom view with a label that scrolls automatically when the text is wider than the label.
The class is supported by B4A, B4i and B4J. It depends on XUI v1.46+.
Note that in B4A, if not using B4XPages, you should add this code to Activity_Resume:
Sub Activity_Resume
For Each v As View In Activity.GetAllViewsRecursive
If v.Tag Is ScrollingLabel Then
Dim sl As ScrollingLabel = v.Tag
sl.Text = sl.Text 'this will cause the labels to scroll
End If
End Sub
A B4J example is attached. The class is inside the zip.
V1.10 - Text color can be set in the designer (under Text properties).
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