iOS Question B4XPAGES + CLVSWIPE, erro ao carregar o aplicativo a primeira vez

Lucas Siqueira

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Hello everyone!

I'm trying to build on clvswipe b4xpages, but when the application opens the first time, the clv is at a distance from the top (the red part in the image), which does not exist in the designer.

something else when you try to slide, the event happens on the bottom clv item, not on the one being slid.

when you pull the clv to update, the clv is in the correct position and the tbm swipe is in the correct position.


I used the source as an example:



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Lucas Siqueira

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code b4xmainpage

#Region Shared Files
#End Region

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private cv_itens As CustomListView
    Private swipe As CLVSwipe
    Private ProgressBar1 As ActivityIndicator 'must be ActivityIndicator and not B4XView due to a bug in iXUI v1.70 (fixed in iXUI 1.71).
    Private lblPullToRefresh As B4XView
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
    Root = Root1
    swipe.Initialize(cv_itens, Me, "Swipe")
    swipe.ActionColors = CreateMap("Delete": xui.Color_Red, "Do Something Else": xui.Color_Green, _
        "Action 1": xui.Color_Red, "Action 2": xui.Color_Blue, "Action 3": xui.Color_Yellow)
    Dim PullToRefreshPanel As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
    PullToRefreshPanel.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 100%x, 70dip)
    swipe.PullToRefreshPanel = PullToRefreshPanel
    cv_itens.DefaultTextColor = xui.Color_Black
    cv_itens.DefaultTextBackgroundColor = xui.Color_White
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Resize (Width As Int, Height As Int)
    swipe.Resize(Width, Height)
End Sub

Sub cv_itens_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
End Sub

Sub cv_itens_ScrollChanged (Offset As Int)
End Sub

Sub Swipe_ActionClicked (Index As Int, ActionText As String)
    Log($"Action clicked: ${Index}, ${ActionText}"$)
    If ActionText = "Delete" Then
    Else If ActionText = "Do Something Else" Then
        Dim p As B4XView = cv_itens.GetPanel(Index)
        Dim lbl As B4XView = p.GetView(0)
        lbl.Text = "Done!!!"
    End If
End Sub

Sub Swipe_RefreshRequested
    lblPullToRefresh.Text = "Loading..."
    ProgressBar1.Visible = True
    ProgressBar1.Visible = False
    ProgressBar1.Visible = True
    swipe.RefreshCompleted '<-- call to exit refresh mode
    lblPullToRefresh.Text = "Pull to refresh"
    ProgressBar1.Visible = False
End Sub

Sub CreateItems
    Dim cs As CSBuilder
    For i = 1 To 100
        cs.Initialize.Color(Rnd(0xff000000, -1))
        If i Mod 3 = 0 Then
            cs.Append($"Important item ${i} ..."$).PopAll
            cv_itens.AddTextItem(cs, swipe.CreateItemValue("", Array("Delete", "Do Something Else")))
        Else If i Mod 3 = 1 Then
            cs.Append($"Very important item ${i} ..."$).PopAll
            cv_itens.AddTextItem(cs, swipe.CreateItemValue("", Array("Action 1", "Action 2", "Action 3")))
            cs.Append($"Nothing to see here ${i}"$).PopAll
            cv_itens.AddTextItem(cs, Null)
        End If
End Sub
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Lucas Siqueira

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code clvswipe 1.13

'version 1.13
#Event: ActionClicked (Index As Int, ActionText As String)
Sub Class_Globals
    Private mCLV As CustomListView
    Type SwipeItem (Value As Object, Actions As List, IsSwiped As Boolean, MaxSwipe As Int, Open As Boolean)
    Public Base As B4XView
    Private TouchXStart, TouchYStart As Float
    Private HandlingSwipe As Boolean
    Private ActionsPanel As B4XView
    Private LastSwipedItem As Int = -1
    Public ActionColors As Map
    Private xui As XUI
    Private cvs As B4XCanvas
    Private mCallback As Object
    Private mEventName As String
    Private mPullToRefreshPanel As B4XView
    Private PullToRefreshSwipe As Boolean 'ignore
    Private WaitingForRefreshToComplete As Boolean
    #if B4A
    Private mScrollingDisabled As Boolean
    #End If
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize (clv As CustomListView, Callback As Object, EventName As String)
    #if B4A
    Dim creator As TouchPanelCreator
    Base = creator.CreateTouchPanel("TouchPanel")
    #else if B4i
    Base = xui.CreatePanel("")
    Dim nme As NativeObject = Me
    Dim no As NativeObject = Base
    no.RunMethod("addGestureRecognizer:", Array(nme.RunMethod("CreateRecognizer", Null)))
    #end if
    ActionsPanel = xui.CreatePanel("")
    Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
    p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 1dip, 1dip)
    mCLV = clv
    mCLV.AsView.Parent.AddView(Base, mCLV.AsView.Left, mCLV.AsView.Top, mCLV.AsView.Width, mCLV.AsView.Height)
    Base.AddView(mCLV.AsView, 0, 0, Base.Width, Base.Height)
    mCallback = Callback
    mEventName = EventName
End Sub

Public Sub CreateItemValue(Value As Object, Actions As List) As SwipeItem
    Dim m As SwipeItem
    m.Value = Value
    m.Actions = Actions
    Return m
End Sub

Private Sub ChangeOffset(index As Int, dx As Int, complete As Boolean) As Boolean
    If index < 0 Or index >= mCLV.Size Then Return False
    Dim item As CLVItem = mCLV.GetRawListItem(index)
    If Not(item.Value Is SwipeItem) Then Return False
    Dim m As SwipeItem = item.Value
    If m.IsSwiped = False And complete = True Then Return False
    If m.IsSwiped = False Then
        If m.Actions.IsInitialized And m.Actions.Size > 0 Then
            m.IsSwiped = True
            If ActionsPanel.Parent.IsInitialized Then ActionsPanel.RemoveViewFromParent
            item.Panel.Parent.AddView(ActionsPanel, 0, item.Panel.Top, item.Panel.Width, item.Panel.Height)
            m.MaxSwipe = CreateActionButtons(m.Actions)
            LastSwipedItem = index
            Return False
        End If
    End If
    Dim NewLeft As Int = Max(Min(item.Panel.Left + dx, 0), -m.MaxSwipe)
    If complete Then
        If (m.Open = False And NewLeft >= -40dip) Or (m.Open = True And NewLeft >= -m.MaxSwipe + 10dip) Then
            item.Panel.SetLayoutAnimated(200, 0, item.Panel.Top, item.Panel.Width, item.Panel.Height)
            m.IsSwiped = False
            m.Open = False
            item.Panel.SetLayoutAnimated(200, -m.MaxSwipe, item.Panel.Top, item.Panel.Width, item.Panel.Height)
            m.Open = True
        End If

        item.Panel.Left = NewLeft
    End If
    Return True
End Sub

Private Sub ChangeYOffset(dy As Int, complete As Boolean) 'ignore
    If WaitingForRefreshToComplete Then Return
    Dim NewTop As Int = Min(Max(mCLV.AsView.Top + dy, 0), mPullToRefreshPanel.Height)
    mCLV.AsView.Top = NewTop
    If NewTop = mPullToRefreshPanel.Height Then
    End If
    If complete Then
        mCLV.AsView.SetLayoutAnimated(200, 0, 0, mCLV.AsView.Width, mCLV.AsView.Height)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub RaiseRefreshEvent
    WaitingForRefreshToComplete = True
    HandlingSwipe = False
    CallSub(mCallback, mEventName & "_RefreshRequested")
End Sub

Public Sub ScrollChanged (offset As Int)
    #if B4i
    Dim sv As ScrollView =
    Dim no As NativeObject = sv
    If offset <= 0 And mPullToRefreshPanel.IsInitialized Then
        sv.Bounces = True
        mPullToRefreshPanel.Visible = True
        no.RunMethod("setShowsVerticalScrollIndicator:", Array(False))
        If offset <= -mPullToRefreshPanel.Height Then
            sv.ScrollEnabled = False
            sv.ScrollTo(0, 0, False)
            mCLV.AsView.Top = mPullToRefreshPanel.Height
        End If
        sv.Bounces = False
        no.RunMethod("setShowsVerticalScrollIndicator:", Array(True))
    End If
    #End If
End Sub

Public Sub RefreshCompleted
    If WaitingForRefreshToComplete = False Then Return
    WaitingForRefreshToComplete = False
    mPullToRefreshPanel.Visible = False
    mCLV.AsView.SetLayoutAnimated(200, 0, 0, mCLV.AsView.Width, mCLV.AsView.Height)
    #if B4i
    Dim sv As ScrollView =
    sv.ScrollEnabled = True
    #End If
End Sub

Private Sub CreateActionButtons (actions As List) As Int
    Dim LastX As Int = 0
    For Each action As String In actions
        Dim l As Label
        Dim xlbl As B4XView = l
        xlbl.Text = action
        xlbl.Color = ActionColors.GetDefault(action, xui.Color_White)
        xlbl.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "CENTER")
        xlbl.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(20)
        xlbl.TextColor = xui.Color_Black
        Dim width As Int = Max(40dip, cvs.MeasureText(action, xlbl.Font).Width + 20dip)
        ActionsPanel.AddView(xlbl, ActionsPanel.Width - width - LastX, 0, width, ActionsPanel.Height)
        LastX = LastX + width
    Return LastX
End Sub

Private Sub Lbl_Click
    Dim lbl As B4XView = Sender
    Dim index As Int = LastSwipedItem
    CallSub3(mCallback, mEventName & "_ActionClicked", index, lbl.Text)
End Sub

Public Sub CloseLastSwiped
    ChangeOffset(LastSwipedItem, 10000dip, True)
    LastSwipedItem = -1
End Sub

Public Sub Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
    ActionsPanel.Width = Width
    Base.SetLayoutAnimated(0, Base.Left, Base.Top, Width, Height)
    If mPullToRefreshPanel.IsInitialized Then
        mPullToRefreshPanel.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, Width, mPullToRefreshPanel.Height)
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub setPullToRefreshPanel(pnl As B4XView)
    If pnl.Parent.IsInitialized Then pnl.RemoveViewFromParent
    If mPullToRefreshPanel.IsInitialized Then mPullToRefreshPanel.RemoveViewFromParent
    mPullToRefreshPanel = pnl
    Base.AddView(mPullToRefreshPanel, 0, 0, Base.Width, mPullToRefreshPanel.Height)
    mPullToRefreshPanel.Visible = False
End Sub

Public Sub getPullToRefreshPanel As B4XView
    Return mPullToRefreshPanel
End Sub

#if B4A

Public Sub getScrollingEnabled As Boolean
    Return Not(mScrollingDisabled)
End Sub

Public Sub setScrollingEnabled (b As Boolean)
    mScrollingDisabled = Not(b)
End Sub

Private Sub TouchPanel_OnInterceptTouchEvent (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float, MotionEvent As Object) As Boolean
    If mScrollingDisabled Or HandlingSwipe Or WaitingForRefreshToComplete Then Return True
    Select Action
        Case Base.TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN
            TouchXStart = X
            TouchYStart = Y
            HandlingSwipe = False
        Case Base.TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
            Dim dx As Float = Abs(x - TouchXStart)
            Dim dy As Float = Abs(y - TouchYStart)
            If mPullToRefreshPanel.IsInitialized And = 0 And y - TouchYStart > 3dip Then
                HandlingSwipe = True
                PullToRefreshSwipe = True
                mPullToRefreshPanel.Visible = True
            Else If dy < 20dip And dx > 10dip And mCLV.Size > 0 Then
                If HandlingSwipe = False Then
                    Dim NewSwipeItem As Int = mCLV.FindIndexFromOffset(TouchYStart +
                    If NewSwipeItem <> LastSwipedItem Then CloseLastSwiped
                    LastSwipedItem = NewSwipeItem
                End If
                HandlingSwipe = True
                PullToRefreshSwipe = False
            End If
    End Select
    Return HandlingSwipe
End Sub

Private Sub TouchPanel_OnTouchEvent (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float, MotionEvent As Object) As Boolean
    If mScrollingDisabled Or HandlingSwipe = False Or WaitingForRefreshToComplete Then Return True
    If PullToRefreshSwipe Then
        Select Action
            Case Base.TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
                Dim dy As Float = y - TouchYStart
                TouchYStart = Y
                ChangeYOffset(dy, False)
            Case Base.TOUCH_ACTION_UP
                ChangeYOffset(dy, True)
                HandlingSwipe = False
        End Select
        Select Action
            Case Base.TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
                Dim dx As Float = x - TouchXStart
                TouchXStart = X
                HandlingSwipe = ChangeOffset(LastSwipedItem, dx, False)
            Case Base.TOUCH_ACTION_UP
                ChangeOffset(LastSwipedItem, 0, True)
                HandlingSwipe = False
        End Select
    End If
    Return True
End Sub
#end if

#if B4i
Private Sub Pan_Event (pan As Object)
    If WaitingForRefreshToComplete Or getScrollingEnabled = False Then Return
    Dim rec As NativeObject = pan
    Dim points() As Float = rec.ArrayFromPoint(rec.RunMethod("locationInView:", Array(Base)))
    Dim x As Float = points(0)
    Dim state As Int = rec.GetField("state").AsNumber
    Select state
        Case 1 'began
            TouchXStart = x
            TouchYStart = points(1)
            If HandlingSwipe = False Then
                Dim NewSwipeItem As Int = mCLV.FindIndexFromOffset(TouchYStart +
                If NewSwipeItem <> LastSwipedItem Then CloseLastSwiped
                LastSwipedItem = NewSwipeItem
            End If
            HandlingSwipe = True
        Case 2 'changed
            Dim dx As Float = x - TouchXStart
            ChangeOffset(LastSwipedItem, dx, False)
            TouchXStart = X
        Case 3 'ended
            HandlingSwipe = False
            ChangeOffset(LastSwipedItem, 0, True)
    End Select
End Sub

Public Sub getScrollingEnabled As Boolean
    Dim sv As ScrollView =
    Return sv.ScrollEnabled
End Sub

Public Sub setScrollingEnabled (b As Boolean)
    Dim sv As ScrollView =
    sv.ScrollEnabled = b
End Sub

#end if

#if OBJC
- (NSObject*) CreateRecognizer{
      UIPanGestureRecognizer *rec = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(action:)];
    [rec setMinimumNumberOfTouches:1];
    [rec setMaximumNumberOfTouches:1];
    return rec;
-(void) action:(UIPanGestureRecognizer*)rec {
    [ raiseEvent:nil event:@"pan_event:" params:@[rec]];
#End If
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Lucas Siqueira

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No reason to post the class code.

I've updated the example and it is now based on B4XPages:

I used the new example and it works, but when we put the clv a little further from the top, when the application initializes the clv it doubles the distance from the top. when refreshes the clv goes back to the original top.

the background of the layout is golden, the clv is touching the bottom of the panel, when executing the clv for the first time it is distant.




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Lucas Siqueira

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View attachment 110823

Put the CLV inside a panel. The CLV should fill the panel. You can position the panel wherever you like.

thanks Erel, it worked perfectly.

Is there any way to adjust it so you don't need to create a panel to put the clv inside?

I tried in several ways to change the clvswipe class but I couldn't ... :(
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