Using B4XPages with B4i - when the app takes a picture with the code below
the current page is removed from the stack and loaded again - but all views are cleared and anything entered via the UI is lost - is there a way to save the current page, including all variables, and restore again in this scenario? I know about save state but is there any easier way to do this?
Dim TopPage As String = B4XPages.GetManager.GetTopPage.Id
Wait For Camera_Complete (Success As Boolean, Image As Bitmap, VideoPath As String)
B4XPages.GetManager.mStackOfPageIds.Add(TopPage) 'this is required as the page will be removed from the stack when the external camera page appears.
If Success Then
Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = Image
bmp.Resize(TargetWidth, TargetHeight, True)
CallSubDelayed3(Me, "Image_Available", True, bmp)
CallSubDelayed3(Me, "Image_Available", False, Null)
End If
the current page is removed from the stack and loaded again - but all views are cleared and anything entered via the UI is lost - is there a way to save the current page, including all variables, and restore again in this scenario? I know about save state but is there any easier way to do this?