Android Question [B4xPages] [SOLVED] Creating a "kitchen sink" app.


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I just started B4X pages yesterday and am kinda getting my grip of things. Below is the planned outline of what I want to achieve.


1. I'm confused about the life-cycle of the project pages between B4XMain and respective pages. Where does it start and where does it end? Eg. we have different pages and a B4XMain Page.
2. I've tried to work on some kind of kitchen sink for what I'm trying to achieve as indicated above. More will be added.
3. There is no consolidated example of these features in the forum and some of the implementations for my 5 year old B4xPages mind, is confusing.

What have been done so far (based on content that I have been able to find here in the forum)

1. I have added activity transparency (splash), this works in some way
2. I've added a SQLite DB for later access, so far no issues reported
3. I've added a google map, so far no success with this yet. I need to understand the flow of things, its reporting some fragment error.
4. I've added a couple of pages that I intend to access via drawer click event.
5. I also intend to add the firebase push notifications on this.
6. I've read the B4X book, watched the learning video also.

Help will be very much appreciated. For starters

1. The google map is not working. I'm also not sure when to display that page during my tests.
2. Id like to show the page after the "logo" is loaded. There is a bug on that call, I dont know how to fix that.
3. These are purely my first attempts at this, please be kind, think of me as a 5 year old when explaining the concepts.

What I have not done.
  • I have not loaded a layout to the drawer yet, Thats not crucial at this stage.
  • Between MainPage & RobTrack on the nav-bar, how to I eliminate that "second" bloop?
  • A googleMap page is included here, I cant get it to work.
  • Im not sure about the sequencing, I have added an event to control the splash screen, so kinda inbetween of the right way forward.



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Licensed User
Longtime User

Google Map: Check
Firebase Notifications: Check


On manifest added:

CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.GooglePlayBase)
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.Firebase)
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseNotifications.FirebaseNotifications)
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.FirebaseAnalytics)
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.Crashlytics)

Ensured that you use a correct api keys.

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