Android Question B4XTable and Forms not save to csv


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Hello, i try this code for B4XTable:
Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private B4XTable1 As B4XTable
    Public PrefDialog As PreferencesDialog
    Private xui As XUI
    Private editCol As B4XTableColumn
    Private const CSVFile As String = "dispositivi.csv"
    Private data As List
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
    B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub

'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    editCol = B4XTable1.AddColumn("Edit", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
    editCol.Sortable = False
    editCol.Width = 127dip
    B4XTable1.RowHeight = 50dip
    B4XTable1.NumberOfFrozenColumns = 1
    B4XTable1.AddColumn("Tipologia", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
    B4XTable1.AddColumn("Matricola", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
    B4XTable1.AddColumn("Numerazione Interna", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_DATE)
    B4XTable1.AddColumn("Descrizione", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
    B4XTable1.AddColumn("Ubicazione", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
    B4XTable1.AddColumn("Note", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
    PrefDialog.Initialize(Root, "Miei Presidi", 300dip, 300dip)
    PrefDialog.LoadFromJson(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "template.json"))
    Dim list_tipologia As List
    list_tipologia.Add("Estintore a Polvere")
    PrefDialog.SetOptions("Tipologia", list_tipologia)
    PrefDialog.SearchTemplate.MaxNumberOfItemsToShow = 300
    B4XTable1.MaximumRowsPerPage = 20
    For i = 1 To editCol.CellsLayouts.Size - 1
        Dim p As B4XView = editCol.CellsLayouts.Get(i)
        p.AddView(CreateButton("btnEdit", Chr(0xF044)), 2dip, 5dip, 40dip, 40dip)
        p.AddView(CreateButton("btnDelete", Chr(0xF00D)), 44dip, 5dip, 40dip, 40dip)
        p.AddView(CreateButton("btnDuplicate",Chr(0xF0C5)), 85dip, 5dip, 40dip, 40dip)
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Background
End Sub

Sub LoadData

    'Dim data As List
    If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, CSVFile) Then
        Dim su As StringUtils
        data = su.LoadCSV(File.DirInternal, CSVFile, ",")
    End If
End Sub

Sub btnDelete_Click
    Dim RowId As Long = GetRowId(Sender)
    Dim Item As Map = B4XTable1.GetRow(RowId)
    Dim sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async($"Cancello presidio: ${Item.Get("Descrizione")}?"$, "", "Si", "", "No", Null)
    Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
    If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
        B4XTable1.sql1.ExecNonQuery2("DELETE FROM data WHERE rowid = ?", Array(RowId))
    End If
End Sub

Sub btnEdit_Click
    Dim RowId As Long = GetRowId(Sender)
    Dim Item As Map = B4XTable1.GetRow(RowId)
    ShowDialog(Item, RowId)
End Sub

Sub btnDuplicate_Click
    Dim RowId As Long = GetRowId(Sender)
    Dim Item As Map = B4XTable1.GetRow(RowId)
    ShowDialog(Item, 0) 'RowId = 0 means that a new item will be created
End Sub

Sub GetRowId (View As B4XView) As Long
    Dim RowIndex As Int = editCol.CellsLayouts.IndexOf(View.Parent)
    Dim RowId As Long = B4XTable1.VisibleRowIds.Get(RowIndex - 1) '-1 because of the header
    Return RowId
End Sub

Sub CreateButton (EventName As String, Text As String) As B4XView
    Dim Btn As Button
    Dim FontSize As Int = 14
    #if B4i
    Btn.InitializeCustom(EventName, xui.Color_Black, xui.Color_White)
    FontSize = 16
    #End If
    Dim x As B4XView = Btn
    x.Font =  xui.CreateFontAwesome(FontSize)
    x.Visible = False
    x.Text = Text
    Return x
End Sub

Private Sub B4XTable1_DataUpdated
    For i = 0 To B4XTable1.VisibleRowIds.Size - 1
        Dim p As B4XView = editCol.CellsLayouts.Get(i + 1)
        p.GetView(1).Visible = B4XTable1.VisibleRowIds.Get(i) > 0
        p.GetView(2).Visible = p.GetView(1).Visible
        p.GetView(3).Visible = p.GetView(1).Visible
End Sub

Private Sub ShowDialog(Item As Map, RowId As Long)
    Wait For (PrefDialog.ShowDialog(Item, "OK", "CANCELLA")) Complete (Result As Int)
    If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
        Dim params As List
        params.AddAll(Array(Item.Get("Tipologia"), Item.Get("Matricola"), Item.Get("Numerazione Interna"), Item.Get("Descrizione"),Item.Get("Ubicazione"),Item.Get("Note"))) 'keys based on the template json file
        If RowId = 0 Then 'new row
            B4XTable1.sql1.ExecNonQuery2($"INSERT INTO data VALUES("", ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?)"$, params)
            'first column is c0. We skip it as this is the "edit" column
            B4XTable1.sql1.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE data SET c1 = ?, c2 = ?, c3 = ?, c4 = ?,c5 = ?,c6 = ? WHERE rowid = ?", params)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub btnAdd_Click
    ShowDialog(CreateMap(), 0)
End Sub

Public Sub ExportTableToCSV
    Dim save_data As List
    Dim rs As ResultSet = B4XTable1.sql1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM data")
    Do While rs.NextRow
        Dim row(B4XTable1.Columns.Size) As String
        For i = 0 To B4XTable1.Columns.Size - 1
            Dim c As B4XTableColumn = B4XTable1.Columns.Get(i)
            row(i) = rs.GetString(c.SQLID)
    Dim su As StringUtils
    su.SaveCSV(File.DirInternal, CSVFile, ",", save_data)
End Sub

but dont save to csv. When reload the app the table is empty . Can someone help me ? Thanks in advances


Licensed User
Longtime User
but dont save to csv. When reload the app the table is empty . Can someone help me ?
There is definitely a solution to your issue. When you post a lot of code like you have, it is sometimes hard to follow, especially when your code includes references to layout files and asset files, but the real files were not included,. You are more likely to get concrete help if you export a small project that mimics the problem. If, for some reason you can't, there is still help. I am reviving this thread because it appears still unresolved.
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