B4J Question B4XTable - Problem with Resize Screen


Hello everyone,
i have a form with a B4XTable, when i start the program the tablet it's fine, but when i maximized the windows, the table become very small.
There's a way to manage the resize the table via code when the windows get maximized? Which event start with the maximization of the window? (if there's any)


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you should use anchors for this

but may be you are using them and may be for some other reason they are not working, if that is so you can use the mainform.rootpane resize event. (if you are in the mainform of course)

if my memory doesnt fail it is this one:

private Sub mainform_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
End Sub
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you should use anchors for this

but may be you are using them and may be for some other reason they are not working, if that is so you can use the mainform.rootpane resize event. (if you are in the mainform of course)

if my memory doesnt fail it is this one:

private Sub mainform_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
End Sub
Thanks for the reply.
I found the problem, the screen width e height was too small by default. I just set it to 1920x1017 and it goes well.

Do you some tip for open the program maximized (not full screen) by default?
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