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Actually, this is rather a weird one...
Decided to experiment with JQuery Mobile framework to explore a movie database rest api.
This was a quick implementation for the UX though just for what I needed. I guess because I initially started with JQ with my mobile app development it has been a comfort zone, besides its very well documented and easy peasy..
Tried to simplyfy things for myself as much as I can.
Original Source Code
Download BANanoJQM
Actually, this is rather a weird one...
Decided to experiment with JQuery Mobile framework to explore a movie database rest api.
This was a quick implementation for the UX though just for what I needed. I guess because I initially started with JQ with my mobile app development it has been a comfort zone, besides its very well documented and easy peasy..
Tried to simplyfy things for myself as much as I can.
'Static code module
Sub Process_Globals
Public BANano As BANano
Public App As JQMApp
Public Page As JQMPage
Public ID As String = "index"
Public URL As String = ""
Public Mode As String = "search/movie?query="
Public MovieName As String
Public Key As String = "&api_key=5fbddf6b517048e25bc3ac1bbeafb919"
Dim ml As JQMListView
End Sub
'create the page
Public Sub Create(thisApp As JQMApp)
App = thisApp
'create the page
Page.Title = "Movie List"
Page.Header.Fixed = True
Page.Header.AddRightButton("mi","Movie Info", "#" & headline.ID,,App.EnumIconPos.notext,App.EnumTransition.slide,False,"")
'add a heading
Page.Header.AddH1("", Page.title)
'add a search box
Page.Content.AddTextBox("txtsearch","Name of Movie to search for:","",False,True,True)
'add a search button
'will tell user of movies found
'list movies
ml.Inset = True
'add a footer
Page.Footer.Fixed = True
Page.Footer.AddH1("","Copyrights 2019")
End Sub
'the seach button has been clicked
Sub btnsearch_click(event As BANanoEvent)
'clear the form contents
'get the entered search value
Dim txtsearch As BANanoElement = BANano.GetElement("#txtsearch")
Dim ssearch As String = txtsearch.GetValue
If ssearch.Length = 0 Then Return
'define the move name
MovieName = "&query=" & ssearch
'lets check the internet connection
If BANano.CheckInternetConnectionWait Then
Dim getStr As String = URL & Mode & Key & MovieName
Dim res As String = BANano.CallAjaxWait(getStr,"GET","jsonp", "", False, Null)
If res.Length > 0 Then
Dim moviesM As Map = Page.Json2Map(res)
Dim total_results As String = moviesM.Get("total_results")
Dim resultsx As List = moviesM.Get("results")
BANano.GetElement("#moviesfound").SetText($"${total_results} movie(s) have been found..."$)
'add movies to the listview
For Each movie As Map In resultsx
Dim sadult As String = movie.Get("adult")
Dim sid As String = movie.Get("id")
Dim sol As String = movie.Get("original_language")
Dim sot As String = movie.Get("original_title")
Dim sov As String = movie.Get("overview")
Dim spop As String = movie.Get("popularity")
Dim spp As String = movie.Get("poster_path")
Dim srd As String = movie.Get("release_date")
Dim stit As String = movie.Get("title")
Dim svid As String = movie.Get("video")
Dim sva As String = movie.Get("vote_average")
Dim svc As String = movie.Get("vote_count")
'create a listitem
Dim isec As String = $"Vote Average: ${sva} / Votes: ${svc}"$
Dim imgP As String = "" & spp
Dim li As JQMListItem
li.Initialize("movie-" & sid, "","", "" )
li.Anchor.AddImage1("img-" & sid, imgP, stit,"80","80",False)
li.Anchor.AddH3("h3-" & sid, stit)
li.Content.AddAsideItem("si-" & sid, isec)
li.Content.AddParagraph("p-" & sid, sov)
End If
shared.Ajaxresult = res
Log("There is no internet connection..." & shared.Ajaxresult)
End If
End Sub
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