B4J Library [BANanoAxios] A library for making http requests.



Example Source Code

NB: The example source code is biased towards BVAD3, but the library itself is independent.

This library has been birthed, yes, again for personal use, anyway, decided to share it anyway.

If you want to know the differences between Axios and Fetch, go here.

Fore more details, check this out..

Differences between Axios and Fetch

  • SetBasicAuthorization (username As String, password As String) As BANanoAxios
    set basic authorization for this connection
  • SetCORS (b As Boolean) As BANanoAxios
    set cors - true (cors), false (no-cors)
  • SetOrigin (value As String) As BANanoAxios
    set origin
  • SetURL (ep As String) As BANanoAxios
    set the url to process, this is set on initialize
  • AddHeader (prop As String, value As String) As BANanoAxios
    add a header value
  • AddParameter (prop As String, value As String) As BANanoAxios
    add a parameter value
  • AddOption (prop As String, value As String) As BANanoAxios
    add an option
  • AddData (prop As String, value As Object) As BANanoAxios
    add a data value
  • SetAccessControlAllowOrigin (value As String) As BANanoAxios
    set access control allow origin
  • SetAccessControlAllowCredentials (value As Boolean) As BANanoAxios
    set access control allow credentials
  • SetAccessControlAllowMethods (value As String) As BANanoAxios
    set access control allow methods
  • SetAccessControlAllowHeaders (value As String) As BANanoAxios
    set access control allow headers
  • SetContentType (value As String) As BANanoAxios
    set the content type
  • SetTimeOut (timeout As Int) As BANanoAxios
    set the timeout
  • Get As BANanoPromise
    get an endpoint and return a promise
  • SetResponseType (rType As String) As BANanoAxios
    set the response type, use stream for images
  • SetBaseURL (url As String) As BANanoAxios
    set base url
  • SetMode (mode As String) As BANanoAxios
    set mode
  • Post As BANanoPromise
    post to an endpoint and return a promise
  • Put As BANanoPromise
    put to an endpoint and return a promise
  • Patch As BANanoPromise
    patch to an endpoint and return a promise
  • Delete As BANanoPromise
    delete an endpoint and return a promise
  • FromJSON
    convert record response to something readable
  • GetWait As Map
    execute a get and wait
  • PostWait (rec As Map) As String
    execute a post and wait
  • PutWait (rec As Map) As String
    execute a put and wait
  • DeleteWait As String
    execute a delete and wait
  • PatchWait As String
    execute a patch and wait
  • SetResponseEncoding (re As String) As BANanoAxios
    set response encoding
  • onUploadProgress (module As Object, methodName As String)
    on uploadprogress
  • onDownloadProgress (module As Object, methodname As String)
    on onDownloadProgress
  • SetMaxContentLength (ml As Int) As BANanoAxios
    set maxcontentlength
  • SetMaxBodyLength (mbl As Int) As BANanoAxios
    set maxBodyLength
  • SetDecompress (b As Boolean) As BANanoAxios
    set decompress
  • SetCredentials (s As String) As BANanoAxios
    set credentials
  • GetStatusText (xStatus As String) As String
    get the status text

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