iOS Question Barcode 39 Generator - Blank rightmost area


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Hi everyone, i was trying this code from @Erel that generates a Code39 Barcode, it works perfectly.
The only doubt is: How can I get rid of that blank area on the right of the code? (or at least center the code in the imageview?)


Thanks in advance.


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Check the size of the returned bitmap. I'm pretty sure that it will not include the empty space. This will allow you to to change the ImageView dimensions as needed.
ok! I try to Log its Width and Height.
And you can notice that the blank space remains always constant, same size eveytime.

Anyway, i try to check the returned bitmap size and compare with my imgeview.
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Check the size of the returned bitmap. I'm pretty sure that it will not include the empty space. This will allow you to to change the ImageView dimensions as needed.

Nothing :(
The returned bitmap and my Imageview has the same width and height

Sub scanner_Detected (Codes As List)
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    Dim codice As String
    sb.Append("Detected code:").Append(CRLF)
    For Each code As BarcodeCode In Codes
        codice = code.Value
    If SelectedImageView.IsInitialized Then
        'Log($"SelectedImageView -> Width: ${SelectedImageView.Width}, Height: ${SelectedImageView.Height}"$)
        'SelectedImageView.Bitmap = CreateCode39(codice, SelectedImageView.Width, SelectedImageView.Height)
         Log($"ImageView1 -> Width: ${ImageView1.Width}, Height: ${ImageView1.Height}"$)
         ImageView1.Bitmap = CreateCode39(codice, ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub CreateCode39 (Text As String, Width As Float, Height As Float) As Bitmap
    Dim no As NativeObject = Me
    Dim bmp As Bitmap = no.RunMethod("code39ImageFromString:::", Array(Text, Width, Height))
    Log($"Returned BMP -> Width: ${bmp.Width}, Height: ${bmp.Height}"$) '<--'
    Return bmp
End Sub

ImageView1 -> Width: 394, Height: 89.3061
Returned BMP -> Width: 394, Height: 90
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B4X founder
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This code is wrong and should be removed:
ImageView1.Width = 100%x - 20dip
    ImageView1.Left = 10dip

This designer script code does nothing:
ImageView1.SetLeftAndRight(10dip, 100%x-10dip)
Should also be removed.

Same as this:
Panel1.Top = 10dip
Panel2.Height = 4dip
Just set the properties correctly.

Make it easier for me to test. Generate a barcode when the program starts.
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ImageView1.Width = 100%x - 20dip ImageView1.Left = 10dip
Why is this wrong?
I always used this to center a view with 10dip space from the edges ?

ImageView1.SetLeftAndRight(10dip, 100%x-10dip)
Actually it does you didn't noticed because the view was positioned very close to the final position

Panel1.Top = 10dip Panel2.Height = 4dip
This is necessary, this is the Red Guide Line for the scanner (if i remove this code, you can see how the red line looks).

However, just for the sake of test i removed all this lines and now it generate a barcode when the app starts.
But the blank area is still there (i also set the code39 background to magenta in the ObjC code so it is easier to understand the sizes)




  • RW Barcode Example
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B4X founder
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I always used this to center a view with 10dip space from the edges
It is not needed. Use anchors for this.

Updated barcode code that crops the image:
Private Sub CreateCode39 (Text As String, Width As Float, Height As Float) As Bitmap
    Dim no As NativeObject = Me
    Dim res As List = no.RunMethod("code39ImageFromString:::", Array(Text, Width, Height))
    Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = res.Get(0)
    Dim Width As Float = res.Get(1)
    Log($"Returned BMP -> Width: ${bmp.Width}, Height: ${bmp.Height}"$)
    bmp = bmp.Crop(0, 0, Width + 10, bmp.Height)
    Return bmp
End Sub

#if OBJC
- (NSArray *)code39ImageFromString:(NSString *)strSource    // Source string
                             :(CGFloat)barcodew        // Barcode Width
                            :(CGFloat)barcodeh        // Barcode Height
    int intSourceLength = (int)strSource.length;
    CGFloat x = 1; // Left Margin
    CGFloat y = 0; // Top Margin
    // Width = ((WidLength * 3 + NarrowLength * 7) * (intSourceLength + 2)) + (x * 2)
    CGFloat NarrowLength = (barcodew/(intSourceLength + 2)) / 17.0; // Length of narrow bar
    CGFloat WidLength = NarrowLength * 2; // Length of Wide bar
    NSString *strEncode = @"010010100"; // Encoding string for starting and ending mark *
    NSString * AlphaBet = @"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*"; // Code39 alphabets
    NSString* Code39[] = //Encoding strings for Code39 alphabets
        /* 0 */ @"000110100",
        /* 1 */ @"100100001",
        /* 2 */ @"001100001",
        /* 3 */ @"101100000",
        /* 4 */ @"000110001",
        /* 5 */ @"100110000",
        /* 6 */ @"001110000",
        /* 7 */ @"000100101",
        /* 8 */ @"100100100",
        /* 9 */ @"001100100",
        /* A */ @"100001001",
        /* B */ @"001001001",
        /* C */ @"101001000",
        /* D */ @"000011001",
        /* E */ @"100011000",
        /* F */ @"001011000",
        /* G */ @"000001101",
        /* H */ @"100001100",
        /* I */ @"001001100",
        /* J */ @"000011100",
        /* K */ @"100000011",
        /* L */ @"001000011",
        /* M */ @"101000010",
        /* N */ @"000010011",
        /* O */ @"100010010",
        /* P */ @"001010010",
        /* Q */ @"000000111",
        /* R */ @"100000110",
        /* S */ @"001000110",
        /* T */ @"000010110",
        /* U */ @"110000001",
        /* V */ @"011000001",
        /* W */ @"111000000",
        /* X */ @"010010001",
        /* Y */ @"110010000",
        /* Z */ @"011010000",
        /* - */ @"010000101",
        /* . */ @"110000100",
        /*' '*/ @"011000100",
        /* $ */ @"010101000",
        /* / */ @"010100010",
        /* + */ @"010001010",
        /* % */ @"000101010",
        /* * */ @"010010100"
    strSource = [strSource uppercaseString];
    // calculate graphic size
    CGSize size = CGSizeMake(barcodew, barcodeh + (y * 2));
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    // fill background color (white)
    CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height));
    // beging encoding
    for (int i = 0; i < intSourceLength; i++)
        // check for illegal characters
        char c = [strSource characterAtIndex:i];
        long index = [AlphaBet rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c",c]].location;
        if ((index == NSNotFound) || (c == '*'))
            NSLog(@"This string contains illegal characters");
            return nil;
        // get and concat encoding string
        strEncode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@0%@",strEncode, Code39[index]];
    // pad with ending *
    strEncode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@0010010100", strEncode];
    int intEncodeLength = (int)strEncode.length; // final encoded data length
    CGFloat fBarWidth;
    // Draw Code39 BarCode according the the encoded data
    for (int i = 0; i < intEncodeLength; i++)
        fBarWidth = ([strEncode characterAtIndex:i] == '1' ? WidLength : NarrowLength);
        // drawing with black color
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        // drawing with white color
        else {
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(x, y, fBarWidth, barcodeh));
        x += fBarWidth;
    // get image from context and return
    UIImage *resultingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return @[resultingImage, @(x)];

#End If
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It is not needed. Use anchors for this.

Updated barcode code that crops the image:
Private Sub CreateCode39 (Text As String, Width As Float, Height As Float) As Bitmap
    Dim no As NativeObject = Me
    Dim res As List = no.RunMethod("code39ImageFromString:::", Array(Text, Width, Height))
    Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = res.Get(0)
    Dim Width As Float = res.Get(1)
    Log($"Returned BMP -> Width: ${bmp.Width}, Height: ${bmp.Height}"$)
    bmp = bmp.Crop(0, 0, Width + 10, bmp.Height)
    Return bmp
End Sub

#if OBJC
- (NSArray *)code39ImageFromString:(NSString *)strSource    // Source string
                             :(CGFloat)barcodew        // Barcode Width
                            :(CGFloat)barcodeh        // Barcode Height
    int intSourceLength = (int)strSource.length;
    CGFloat x = 1; // Left Margin
    CGFloat y = 0; // Top Margin
    // Width = ((WidLength * 3 + NarrowLength * 7) * (intSourceLength + 2)) + (x * 2)
    CGFloat NarrowLength = (barcodew/(intSourceLength + 2)) / 17.0; // Length of narrow bar
    CGFloat WidLength = NarrowLength * 2; // Length of Wide bar
    NSString *strEncode = @"010010100"; // Encoding string for starting and ending mark *
    NSString * AlphaBet = @"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*"; // Code39 alphabets
    NSString* Code39[] = //Encoding strings for Code39 alphabets
        /* 0 */ @"000110100",
        /* 1 */ @"100100001",
        /* 2 */ @"001100001",
        /* 3 */ @"101100000",
        /* 4 */ @"000110001",
        /* 5 */ @"100110000",
        /* 6 */ @"001110000",
        /* 7 */ @"000100101",
        /* 8 */ @"100100100",
        /* 9 */ @"001100100",
        /* A */ @"100001001",
        /* B */ @"001001001",
        /* C */ @"101001000",
        /* D */ @"000011001",
        /* E */ @"100011000",
        /* F */ @"001011000",
        /* G */ @"000001101",
        /* H */ @"100001100",
        /* I */ @"001001100",
        /* J */ @"000011100",
        /* K */ @"100000011",
        /* L */ @"001000011",
        /* M */ @"101000010",
        /* N */ @"000010011",
        /* O */ @"100010010",
        /* P */ @"001010010",
        /* Q */ @"000000111",
        /* R */ @"100000110",
        /* S */ @"001000110",
        /* T */ @"000010110",
        /* U */ @"110000001",
        /* V */ @"011000001",
        /* W */ @"111000000",
        /* X */ @"010010001",
        /* Y */ @"110010000",
        /* Z */ @"011010000",
        /* - */ @"010000101",
        /* . */ @"110000100",
        /*' '*/ @"011000100",
        /* $ */ @"010101000",
        /* / */ @"010100010",
        /* + */ @"010001010",
        /* % */ @"000101010",
        /* * */ @"010010100"
    strSource = [strSource uppercaseString];
    // calculate graphic size
    CGSize size = CGSizeMake(barcodew, barcodeh + (y * 2));
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    // fill background color (white)
    CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height));
    // beging encoding
    for (int i = 0; i < intSourceLength; i++)
        // check for illegal characters
        char c = [strSource characterAtIndex:i];
        long index = [AlphaBet rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c",c]].location;
        if ((index == NSNotFound) || (c == '*'))
            NSLog(@"This string contains illegal characters");
            return nil;
        // get and concat encoding string
        strEncode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@0%@",strEncode, Code39[index]];
    // pad with ending *
    strEncode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@0010010100", strEncode];
    int intEncodeLength = (int)strEncode.length; // final encoded data length
    CGFloat fBarWidth;
    // Draw Code39 BarCode according the the encoded data
    for (int i = 0; i < intEncodeLength; i++)
        fBarWidth = ([strEncode characterAtIndex:i] == '1' ? WidLength : NarrowLength);
        // drawing with black color
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        // drawing with white color
        else {
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(x, y, fBarWidth, barcodeh));
        x += fBarWidth;
    // get image from context and return
    UIImage *resultingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return @[resultingImage, @(x)];

#End If
Thanks erel!! now it is centered!
Thanks a lot
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
It is not needed. Use anchors for this.

Updated barcode code that crops the image:
Private Sub CreateCode39 (Text As String, Width As Float, Height As Float) As Bitmap
    Dim no As NativeObject = Me
    Dim res As List = no.RunMethod("code39ImageFromString:::", Array(Text, Width, Height))
    Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = res.Get(0)
    Dim Width As Float = res.Get(1)
    Log($"Returned BMP -> Width: ${bmp.Width}, Height: ${bmp.Height}"$)
    bmp = bmp.Crop(0, 0, Width + 10, bmp.Height)
    Return bmp
End Sub

#if OBJC
- (NSArray *)code39ImageFromString:(NSString *)strSource    // Source string
                             :(CGFloat)barcodew        // Barcode Width
                            :(CGFloat)barcodeh        // Barcode Height
    int intSourceLength = (int)strSource.length;
    CGFloat x = 1; // Left Margin
    CGFloat y = 0; // Top Margin
    // Width = ((WidLength * 3 + NarrowLength * 7) * (intSourceLength + 2)) + (x * 2)
    CGFloat NarrowLength = (barcodew/(intSourceLength + 2)) / 17.0; // Length of narrow bar
    CGFloat WidLength = NarrowLength * 2; // Length of Wide bar
    NSString *strEncode = @"010010100"; // Encoding string for starting and ending mark *
    NSString * AlphaBet = @"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*"; // Code39 alphabets
    NSString* Code39[] = //Encoding strings for Code39 alphabets
        /* 0 */ @"000110100",
        /* 1 */ @"100100001",
        /* 2 */ @"001100001",
        /* 3 */ @"101100000",
        /* 4 */ @"000110001",
        /* 5 */ @"100110000",
        /* 6 */ @"001110000",
        /* 7 */ @"000100101",
        /* 8 */ @"100100100",
        /* 9 */ @"001100100",
        /* A */ @"100001001",
        /* B */ @"001001001",
        /* C */ @"101001000",
        /* D */ @"000011001",
        /* E */ @"100011000",
        /* F */ @"001011000",
        /* G */ @"000001101",
        /* H */ @"100001100",
        /* I */ @"001001100",
        /* J */ @"000011100",
        /* K */ @"100000011",
        /* L */ @"001000011",
        /* M */ @"101000010",
        /* N */ @"000010011",
        /* O */ @"100010010",
        /* P */ @"001010010",
        /* Q */ @"000000111",
        /* R */ @"100000110",
        /* S */ @"001000110",
        /* T */ @"000010110",
        /* U */ @"110000001",
        /* V */ @"011000001",
        /* W */ @"111000000",
        /* X */ @"010010001",
        /* Y */ @"110010000",
        /* Z */ @"011010000",
        /* - */ @"010000101",
        /* . */ @"110000100",
        /*' '*/ @"011000100",
        /* $ */ @"010101000",
        /* / */ @"010100010",
        /* + */ @"010001010",
        /* % */ @"000101010",
        /* * */ @"010010100"

    strSource = [strSource uppercaseString];
    // calculate graphic size
    CGSize size = CGSizeMake(barcodew, barcodeh + (y * 2));
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

    // fill background color (white)
    CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height));

    // beging encoding
    for (int i = 0; i < intSourceLength; i++)
        // check for illegal characters
        char c = [strSource characterAtIndex:i];
        long index = [AlphaBet rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c",c]].location;
        if ((index == NSNotFound) || (c == '*'))
            NSLog(@"This string contains illegal characters");
            return nil;
        // get and concat encoding string
        strEncode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@0%@",strEncode, Code39[index]];

    // pad with ending *
    strEncode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@0010010100", strEncode];

    int intEncodeLength = (int)strEncode.length; // final encoded data length
    CGFloat fBarWidth;

    // Draw Code39 BarCode according the the encoded data
    for (int i = 0; i < intEncodeLength; i++)
        fBarWidth = ([strEncode characterAtIndex:i] == '1' ? WidLength : NarrowLength);
        // drawing with black color
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        // drawing with white color
        else {
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(x, y, fBarWidth, barcodeh));
        x += fBarWidth;

    // get image from context and return
    UIImage *resultingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return @[resultingImage, @(x)];

#End If

@Erel There is some sort of error: If i pass a string in the function Create39Barcode like so:
Sub scanner_Detected (Codes As List)
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    For Each code As BarcodeCode In Codes
    If SelectedImageView.IsInitialized Then
        ImageView1.Bitmap = CreateCode39(sb.ToString, ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height) '<---- If i put "Ciao" instead it works, but if the string comes from the reader it doesnt... even if in the log the string looks the same
    End If
End Sub

it crashes with:

ImageView1 -> Width: 390.1407, Height: 95.437
ImageView1 -> Width: 390.1407, Height: 95.437
Returned BMP -> Width: 391, Height: 96
Setting torch mode: 0
This string contains illegal characters
Error occurred on line: 118 (Main)
Object was not initialized (NSObject)
Stack Trace: (
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 1253752
libobjc.A.dylib objc_exception_throw + 60
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 138168
Barcode Scanner -[B4IObjectWrapper object] + 136
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 1281300
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 7656
Barcode Scanner +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1608
Barcode Scanner -[B4IShell runMethod:] + 448
Barcode Scanner -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 1648
Barcode Scanner -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1580
Barcode Scanner +[B4IObjectWrapper raiseEvent:::] + 300
Barcode Scanner __17-[iBarcode Start]_block_invoke + 200
Barcode Scanner -[MTBBarcodeScanner captureOutput:didOutputMetadataObjects:fromConnection:] + 428
AVFoundation E984C99B-C3F2-314C-956F-A65B67DCD4CD + 1446900
AVFoundation E984C99B-C3F2-314C-956F-A65B67DCD4CD + 1443760
CoreMedia FE577D32-0419-3D14-B24C-A9650A420869 + 350556
CoreMedia FE577D32-0419-3D14-B24C-A9650A420869 + 486256
libdispatch.dylib 783B1B75-5A87-3A6E-B723-5CAA2663C75F + 13116
libdispatch.dylib 783B1B75-5A87-3A6E-B723-5CAA2663C75F + 23288
libdispatch.dylib 783B1B75-5A87-3A6E-B723-5CAA2663C75F + 91684
libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 560
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 709660
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 688180
CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 480
GraphicsServices GSEventRunModal + 164
UIKitCore UIApplicationMain + 1944
Barcode Scanner main + 124
libdyld.dylib 95B366E7-F5BD-3308-9416-24B35999029B + 4588
Last edited:
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
@Erel There is some sort of error: If i pass a string in the function Create39Barcode like so:
Sub scanner_Detected (Codes As List)
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    For Each code As BarcodeCode In Codes
    If SelectedImageView.IsInitialized Then
        ImageView1.Bitmap = CreateCode39(sb.ToString, ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height) '<---- If i put "Ciao" instead it works, but if the string comes from the reader it doesnt... even if in the log the string looks the same
    End If
End Sub

it crashes with:

ImageView1 -> Width: 390.1407, Height: 95.437
ImageView1 -> Width: 390.1407, Height: 95.437
Returned BMP -> Width: 391, Height: 96
Setting torch mode: 0
This string contains illegal characters
Error occurred on line: 118 (Main)
Object was not initialized (NSObject)
Stack Trace: (
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 1253752
libobjc.A.dylib objc_exception_throw + 60
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 138168
Barcode Scanner -[B4IObjectWrapper object] + 136
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 1281300
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 7656
Barcode Scanner +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1608
Barcode Scanner -[B4IShell runMethod:] + 448
Barcode Scanner -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 1648
Barcode Scanner -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1580
Barcode Scanner +[B4IObjectWrapper raiseEvent:::] + 300
Barcode Scanner __17-[iBarcode Start]_block_invoke + 200
Barcode Scanner -[MTBBarcodeScanner captureOutput:didOutputMetadataObjects:fromConnection:] + 428
AVFoundation E984C99B-C3F2-314C-956F-A65B67DCD4CD + 1446900
AVFoundation E984C99B-C3F2-314C-956F-A65B67DCD4CD + 1443760
CoreMedia FE577D32-0419-3D14-B24C-A9650A420869 + 350556
CoreMedia FE577D32-0419-3D14-B24C-A9650A420869 + 486256
libdispatch.dylib 783B1B75-5A87-3A6E-B723-5CAA2663C75F + 13116
libdispatch.dylib 783B1B75-5A87-3A6E-B723-5CAA2663C75F + 23288
libdispatch.dylib 783B1B75-5A87-3A6E-B723-5CAA2663C75F + 91684
libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 560
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 709660
CoreFoundation 9624AAFD-5437-3772-A507-0F357875808D + 688180
CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 480
GraphicsServices GSEventRunModal + 164
UIKitCore UIApplicationMain + 1944
Barcode Scanner main + 124
libdyld.dylib 95B366E7-F5BD-3308-9416-24B35999029B + 4588

I restarted the IDE and seems to be solved D:
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