Android Question BCTextEngine parser: any word as keyword


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HI, All

I try to make some words as the links by this parser class.

Public Sub Initialize (TextEngine As BCTextEngine, kwords As List)
    mTextEngine = TextEngine
    Keywords = B4XCollections.CreateSet
    For Each keyword As String In kwords
End Sub

Custom keywords are used, but... some of them are the root of some words, part of a word. So i need to parse (make as the clickable link) some part of a word. Say, "word" keyword is used to be marked in the text "some words about it".
Without separators to be checked.
How to do it ?


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Longtime User
Parsing is solved:
It's now searching the keywords inside each word, but initially is was otherwise.
Now it needs to update the text to have the parsed keywords into the links.

Private Sub DecideWordType (Line As String, Word As String, i As Int, Runs As List) As Int
    Dim WordStart As Int = i - Word.Length
    Dim char0 As String = Word.CharAt(0)
    If char0 = "'" Then
        CreateRun(Line.SubString2(WordStart, Line.Length), TOKEN_COMMENT, Runs)
        i = Line.Length
    Else If char0 = """" Then
        Dim i2 As Int = WordStart + 1
        Do While i2 < Line.Length
            If Line.CharAt(i2) = """" Then
                If i2 = Line.Length - 1 Or Line.CharAt(i2 + 1) <> """" Then
                Else If i2 < Line.Length - 1 Then
                    i2 = i2 + 1
                End If
            End If
            i2 = i2 + 1
        CreateRun(Line.SubString2(WordStart, i2 + 1), TOKEN_STRING, Runs)
        i = i2 + 1
    Else If Regex.IsMatch("\d", char0) Then
        Dim m As Matcher = Regex.Matcher("(0[Xx])([0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF])+|(\d+([Ee][+-]?\d+)?(dip|%[xX]|%[yY])?)", Line.SubString(WordStart))
        If m.Find And m.GetStart(0) = 0 Then
            i = WordStart + m.GetEnd(0)
            Dim DotOffset As Int = 0
            If WordStart > 0 And Line.CharAt(WordStart - 1) = "." Then
                DotOffset = 1
                Runs.RemoveAt(Runs.Size - 1)
            End If
            CreateRun(Line.SubString2(WordStart - DotOffset, WordStart + m.GetEnd(0)), TOKEN_NUMBER, Runs)
        End If
    Else If Regex.IsMatch("\w", char0) Then
        Dim Added As Boolean
        Dim Found As Boolean
        Dim KeywordsList As List = Keywords.AsList
        For j = 0 To KeywordsList.Size - 1
            If Word.ToLowerCase.Contains(KeywordsList.Get(j)) Then
                Found = True
            End If
        If Found Then
            CreateRun(Word, TOKEN_KEYWORD, Runs)
            Added = True
        Else If Runs.Size > 1 Then
            Dim prev As BCTextRun = Runs.Get(Runs.Size - 2)
            If prev.Tag = TOKEN_KEYWORD Then
                Dim PrevLower As String = prev.Text.ToLowerCase
                If PrevLower = "as" Or PrevLower = "is" Or PrevLower = "type" Then
                    CreateRun(Word, TOKEN_TYPE, Runs)
                    Added = True
                Else If PrevLower = "sub" Then
                    CreateRun(Word, TOKEN_SUBNAME, Runs)
                    Added = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Added = False Then CreateRun(Word, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, Runs)
    Else If char0 = "#" Then
        CreateRun(Word, TOKEN_ATTRIBUTE, Runs)
        CreateRun(Line.SubString(WordStart + Word.Length), TOKEN_STRING, Runs)
        i = Line.Length
        If Runs.Size > 0 Then
            Dim prev As BCTextRun = Runs.Get(Runs.Size - 1)
            If prev.Tag = TOKEN_DEFAULT Then
                Runs.RemoveAt(Runs.Size - 1)
                Word = prev.Text & Word
            End If
        End If
        CreateRun(Word, TOKEN_DEFAULT, Runs)
    End If
    Return i
End Sub
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