Android Question Because b4a doesn't have a lib to accept credit card, what is an alternative ?

Jeffrey Cameron

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There is no one "universal" library to interface with credit cards. Here in the 'States, every major processing platform has their own API interface you will need to code specifically for. On top of that, once you have developed the interface, they will need to test your app to be sure it is sending the data correctly before they will "approve" it for use on their network.

And, as @Erel mentioned, most processing platforms API's I've dealt with have some type of HTTP interface you could use with OkHTTPUtils2 to submit your transactions or use a webview to interface with the processor's own payment window (most of those webpages are also configurable for colors/style via post parameters).
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I understand. If I use a webview, how can I catch the response from paypal if the txn was successful or not ?
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Jeffrey Cameron

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It depends on the API, but if I recall correctly most of them use some type of SOAP interface so your app will basically wait for the page load to complete (during which time the card information is entered and processed) then you can look at the HTTP response and it's variables from the completed load.

You should investigate a particular processor and check their API specifications.
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Keep in mind that there are "gateway" companies which offer a single API that works with all the major credit cards through it - you just need to open a "merchant" account that works with the gateway.
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