Hello everybody,
I'm facing a problem when using "bitmapcreator" class (for blurred dialog purpose) both with "xui views" library for another purpose. At compilation time, the result is that statement "Private mBuffer() As Byte" in 'BitmapCreator" class module seems to be ignored, what's give a compiler error: "... mBuffer unknown member...".
The best way to show that problem is to compile Erel's "BitMap Creator" sample with "xui views" library activated.
I probably make a mistake somewhere but where? After Googling a lot and walking a lot across the forum I did find a turnaround to this issue ..
Thanks by advance to anyone able to help me.
B4A is indeed a great help to devlop Android apps, thanks again for your work Erel!
I'm facing a problem when using "bitmapcreator" class (for blurred dialog purpose) both with "xui views" library for another purpose. At compilation time, the result is that statement "Private mBuffer() As Byte" in 'BitmapCreator" class module seems to be ignored, what's give a compiler error: "... mBuffer unknown member...".
The best way to show that problem is to compile Erel's "BitMap Creator" sample with "xui views" library activated.
I probably make a mistake somewhere but where? After Googling a lot and walking a lot across the forum I did find a turnaround to this issue ..
Thanks by advance to anyone able to help me.
B4A is indeed a great help to devlop Android apps, thanks again for your work Erel!