Android Question BitmapCreator class module could be in conflict with Xui Views Library


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Hello everybody,

I'm facing a problem when using "bitmapcreator" class (for blurred dialog purpose) both with "xui views" library for another purpose. At compilation time, the result is that statement "Private mBuffer() As Byte" in 'BitmapCreator" class module seems to be ignored, what's give a compiler error: "... mBuffer unknown member...".
The best way to show that problem is to compile Erel's "BitMap Creator" sample with "xui views" library activated.
I probably make a mistake somewhere but where? After Googling a lot and walking a lot across the forum I did find a turnaround to this issue ..
Thanks by advance to anyone able to help me.

B4A is indeed a great help to devlop Android apps, thanks again for your work Erel!


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Ola Agraham

First of all many thanks to take care of the issue I'm facing so quickly to help me ...
May be I was not clear enough, I'm not using the internal library "BitmaCreator" but just the class module "BitmapCreator"as Erel did in his example. I did the same thing that Erel have done for another one of my apps and it is working well. I think it is really the use of this class module and the checking (not even its use) of the "xui views" library which is originating this issue (at least in my case ...).
If you have time enough just try to compile Erel's example as is but with checking "xui views" library.
The B4A version I'm using is 9.90 (a recent one) and the version of "xui views" library is 2.34
I hope this will help you Agraham.

BTW thanks for your libraries I'm using ...
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You are using an out of date version of B4A and and an out of date version of BitmapCreator. There is no point in trying to trouble shoot that combintation.I suggest that you download the latest version of B4A and install the latest version of the SDK according to these instructions.
If you then have trouble we can help you.
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Oaow this is what can be called a wise response from a very high level expert ... Unfortunately I am in the most total impossibility to proceed with the version upgrades you are proposing for the simple and good reason that I does not use the library whose version level you are questioning: "BitmapCreator", I remember telling you when answering your first post.
Actually Agraham, are you sure you have read my post carefully?
As for renewing my request for help, to have an answer of the same emptiness, I prefer to implement a home brewed workaround. Nevertheless I thank you a lot to have spent a handful of seconds to try to take care of the issue I'm facing.
Best regards

PS: I'm shure Erel will appreciate to know you opion about B4A 9.90 ...

I could be confusing for Erel, this post is my reply to Abgraham's one ...
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Ola Erel,
Thank you for this answer, at least it is detailed and will allow me to move forward. However, for environmental reasons I do not wish to upgrade to the latest version of B4A before my application is sufficiently stable, except if technical imperatives were to oblige me.
So I will do a test following your recommendation with B4A 9.90 and keep you informed of the result.
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Ola Erel,

I understand your point of view but, whenever I update to the latest versions the issue will stay alive, because its not a question of version level. The key point was just to use the mibtmapcreator class instead of the bitmapcreator library. But I've noticed you've updated your thread to notified that the bitmapcreator class should not be used any more but the library instead. I made a test a few minutes ago using the library instead of the class whithout changing any version and it is working well! So we can close this trhread, and ... B4A 9.90 is not so outdated!
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On a general level I can only agree with you Erel but in this case I cannot agree with your assertion because I took into account and implemented your suggestion of no longer using the class but the library, with success elsewhere. While the proposal for a general upgrade of my environment would have been of no use, the error residing elsewhere (proof of this is that it worked in the state of the versions installed ...). So, whatever happens I think that these exchanges become sterile especially between supplier and customer then, for my part I definitively close this thread.
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