I've used the code bellow to set the large title on iOS ... but starting with iOS13 I get a black background.
Anyone has an idea how to fix it?
I've used the code bellow to set the large title on iOS ... but starting with iOS13 I get a black background.
Anyone has an idea how to fix it?
If App.OSVersion >= 11 Then
Dim NObj As NativeObject = NavControl
NObj.GetField("navigationBar").SetField("prefersLargeTitles", True)
NObj.GetField("navigationBar").SetField("BarTintColor", NObj.ColorToUIColor(Colors.White))
NObj.GetField("navigationBar").SetField("TintColor", NObj.ColorToUIColor(Colors.White))
NObj.GetField("navigationBar").SetField("translucent", False)
NObj = Page1
NObj.GetField("navigationItem").SetField("largeTitleDisplayMode", 1) 'always
End If