Black Excellence: The Kenyan B4x'er who created the Bunifu framework..


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Longtime User
Ohhh My!!!

I have not seen so much beauty in a very long while. It excites me to even realize that this person is part of the b4x family. I watched some of his YT videos that have B4A designs.

Thing is I don't even know if this person's b4x handle or whether he is still here. I can only imagine the kind of experience he could add to the "UI Design" of the B4X Family.

This guy should teach me!

Congrats African.



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Thought this is for B4X but acutally for .net...

Regarding UI framework I think the complex components/views like table, calendar, propertysheet, etc is quite valuable. For simple ones I am quite satisfied with B4X's power for making custom views with own art favor/flavor.

It would be nice If he is active in the forum and make some beautiful B4X views.


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Is the developer a member in our forum?
I know of him long time, and I followed some of his videos, he used B4A. Although am not sure if he an active member on the forum.

Edit: Found one of his videos using b4a