I have identical issue with previous thread, unable to activate notifications from BLE device.
manager.SetNotify succeeds, but DataAvailable event after that is never raised and notifications are not detected. BLE2 Ver.1.36, trying to communicate with BLE Body Thermometer
Service and characteristics are discovered without problems:
Service 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Characteristics: (MyMap) {0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[B@3fa37eed
Characteristic's parameters are Read/Write/Notify
We need an access to Characteristic's descriptor 2902 to activate notification.
As I understand it, writing x01 directly to characteristic is wrong, we need to write to descriptor which has different UUID.
Also, as has been explained earlier, SetNotify only activates notifications listener on Android device; writing x01 to peripheral device makes it to start transmitting data (notifications) without waiting for read request from Android device.
manager.SetNotify succeeds, but DataAvailable event after that is never raised and notifications are not detected. BLE2 Ver.1.36, trying to communicate with BLE Body Thermometer
Service and characteristics are discovered without problems:
Service 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Characteristics: (MyMap) {0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[B@3fa37eed
Characteristic's parameters are Read/Write/Notify
We need an access to Characteristic's descriptor 2902 to activate notification.
As I understand it, writing x01 directly to characteristic is wrong, we need to write to descriptor which has different UUID.
Also, as has been explained earlier, SetNotify only activates notifications listener on Android device; writing x01 to peripheral device makes it to start transmitting data (notifications) without waiting for read request from Android device.
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