Share My Creation Bluetooth Microcontroller communication


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So I don't need to change the other parameters like s.substring(4) and buffer.lenght ?


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Bluetooth and Microcontroller

just change the 4 to 2


since your string only has 2 characters at the begining, that line is basically removing the first two characters in your string received.


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I back again with yet a few questions.

My micro continiously sends information regarding the status of the battery, the compass info and the the sonar reading.
The battery status is send using the header $b_data and the compass info is sent using the header $h_data

I can read the battery info using this code

Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)

 If Buffer.Length >= 4 Then
   s =  BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
   If s.IndexOf("$b") <> -1 Then
   test = s.SubString(2)
   If IsNumber(test) Then
   voltage = test
   Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
battery.Text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)

End If
End If
End If   'readings.Text = BytesToString(Buffer, 4, Buffer.Length - 4, "UTF8"
End Sub

The question is, what code is needed so I can read the battery data and the compass data and display them in a different section on the screen?

My other question is how can I make the program force connect to a specific bluetooth device if it finds it without needing to always search for devices and then select the correct one ?
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What I always wanted to ask:
Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
Is Buffer() a reserved "word"? That appears also in other B4A statements. Could one take
instead, for instance?
(I never got asyncstreams to run properly, so I cannot try myself so far).
Thanks, positrom2


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Bluetooth and Microcontroller

Hi Tolisn, you can something like this to read both strings of data.

Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)

 If Buffer.Length >= 4 Then
    s =  BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    If s.IndexOf("$b") <> -1 Then
    test = s.SubString(2)
    If IsNumber(test) Then
    voltage = test
    Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
     battery.Text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
      else if s.IndexOf("&h") <> -1 then    'this looks for the other compass data
      test = s.SubString(2)
      If IsNumber(test) then
      voltage = test
      Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
      compass.text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If
End If    'readings.Text = BytesToString(Buffer, 4, Buffer.Length - 4, "UTF8"
End Sub

hope this helps!


Tom Christman

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Walter, I hope I'm not violating the "New Thread" requirements, but I have enjoyed your very useful posts re: " Bluetooth Microcontroller Communication" and the use of Bascom for microcontroller programming. I have used Bascom for many years now and have also used the Atmel devices. I found them to be highly useful with one exception....the 10 bit A/D's. More recently, I have used the line of 8052 clones by Analog Devices starting with the ADuC812 ( with 12 bit A/D's, 24k flash memory), the ADuc831( 12 bit A/D's, with 61K flash), and the ADuC845 (with 24 bit A/D's, with 61k flash). An additional quality of these devices is the ease of programming via RS232 (using Analogs "Windows Serial Downloader" Program). In the event that you require more "bit-power A/D's", these devices might fill your needs. Thanks for the great posts.


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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out and see how it goes. I tried somethig like this but I kept getting only the battery data and not the compass data.

What about my question regarding the force connecting of the bluetooth device?


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Walter I just tried your suggestion but I keep getting only the battery data and not the compass data. If I try to receive only the compass data or only the battery data then it is ok.


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Bluetooth and Microcontroller

Hi Toslin i made a mistake in the code i gave you instead of putting
else if s.IndexOf("&h") <> -1 then

use this

else if s.IndexOf("$h") <> -1 then

If you notice i placed an
instead of

hope this helps!


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I just tried it, but still nothing. If I comment out the line used for the battery data then the compass data is shown


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Bluetooth and Microcontroller

Ok try this then
Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)

 If Buffer.Length >= 4 Then
    s =  BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    If s.IndexOf("$b") <> -1 Then
    test = s.SubString(2)
    If IsNumber(test) Then
    voltage = test
    Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
     battery.Text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
end if
end if

 if s.IndexOf("$h") <> -1 then    'this looks for the other compass data
      test = s.SubString(2)
      If IsNumber(test) then
      voltage = test
      Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
      compass.text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If
End If

This should work!


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Yes, that did the trick.

Now one more question. How is it possible to force connect to a known bluetooth module without going through the search and select procedure ?


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Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)

 If Buffer.Length >= 4 Then
    s =  BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    If s.IndexOf("$b") <> -1 Then  'this looks for the battery data
    test = s.SubString(2)
    If IsNumber(test) Then
    voltage = test
    Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
     battery.Text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If

 If s.IndexOf("$h") <> -1 Then    'this looks for the compass data
      test = s.SubString(2)
      If IsNumber(test) Then
      voltage = test
      Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
      heading.text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If

End If

End Sub

The above code works OK and data come smoothly from my MCU to the android device.
When I add one more check so I can add one more data input like the code below, then I get the following in the log

sending message to waiting queue (astreams_newdata)
Ignoring event (too many queued events: astreams_newdata)

and the data does not come smoothly from the MCU.
Why is this happening when I add the additional check ?

Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)

 If Buffer.Length >= 4 Then
    s =  BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    If s.IndexOf("$b") <> -1 Then  'this looks for the battery data
    test = s.SubString(2)
    If IsNumber(test) Then
    voltage = test
    Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
     battery.Text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If

 If s.IndexOf("$h") <> -1 Then    'this looks for the compass data
      test = s.SubString(2)
      If IsNumber(test) Then
      voltage = test
      Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
      heading.text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If

 If s.IndexOf("$s") <> -1 Then 'this looks for the sonar data
    test = s.SubString(2)
    If IsNumber(test) Then
    voltage = test
    Log(NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 4))
     sonar.Text = NumberFormat(voltage, 0, 5)
End If
End If

End If

End Sub

And one more question. I have seen elsewhere in the forum the you are doing home automation. How can I connect to multiple bluetooth modules from one android device at the same time? This sound like a very good project.
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