Bug? Bug in FirebaseStorage library

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi. It's a little typo, but has driven me almost crazy. Here it is:

When downloading a file with
storage.DownloadFile(FirebaseStoragePath, localDir, "localFile")

the event sub raised is "storage_DownloadCompleteD", but if you want to "Wait for" the download to finish, you have to write:

Wait for storage_DownloadComplete

without the 'd' at the end!

Best regards.

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
Attached is the example requested. Note that works in both ways,
Wait For Storage_DownloadComplete (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
Wait For Storage_DownloadComplete

You can try commenting and uncommenting lines


I've noticed that the thread doesn't return to the next line after "Wait For". If so, label1.text should be "Download complete"


  • storage_DownloadComplete Test.zip
    13.4 KB · Views: 395
Last edited:


B4X founder
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What is the output of this code:
Sub btnDownload_Click
   Private fullPath As String = "/public/TestFile.txt"
   storage.DownloadFile(fullPath, File.DirInternal, "DownloadedTestFile.txt")
   Label1.Text = "  Waiting..."
   Wait for storage_DownloadComplete
   Log("Wait for storage_DownloadComplete")
End Sub

Sub storage_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
End Sub

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
It goes to the Sub storage_DownloadCompleted, but not to the next line after "WaitFor" ( Log("Wait for storage_DownloadComplete") ):

Logger connected to: HUAWEI ANE-LX1
--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system
Copying updated assets files (1)
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
With the "d" at the end (Wait for storage_DownloadCompleted), the output is:

Logger connected to: HUAWEI ANE-LX1
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
** Service (starter) Destroy (ignored)**
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
Wait for storage_DownloadComplete

...and the event "storage_DownloadCompleted" is not reached

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
I've followed your instructions, but get the same output.

The library I had was downloaded from your post #1 in FirebaseStorage - Simple file storage backend, and the files were:


Maybe something wrong in the manifest?

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
The FirebaseStorage.jar file date seen in post #12 is today's date (02.dec.18), it's the date the file you've uploaded in post #9 has when downloaded.

Would you mind trying my example in your PC, please? , or could anyone who read this thread try, please?

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi again.

I have been testing Uploading files and getting metadata, and the issue is exactly the same.

I've been messing around for a long time with this issue and at the end I have deleted the project in Firebase for creating a new one from zero (getting the same result), so the google-services.json file and the bucket name in the .zip file uploaded in post #3 are not valid anymore. I have uploaded a new file, in case someone still wants to try it. I have added code to make it easier to try uploading and getting metadata.


  • FirebaseStorageTest.zip
    12.1 KB · Views: 399

Ivan Aldaz

Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry for that, and thanks for your efforts and time. Here is the .json file directly downloaded from the Firebase project console right now.


  • google-services.zip
    715 bytes · Views: 387