Hi I share a simple solution to calculate the distance in km between two points on MapFragment. I hope it will be of help to anyone who works with the GoogleMaps v2.50 library.
The coordinates used for this example are set in the image.
The code is the translation of Haversine's formula.
The coordinates used for this example are set in the image.
The code is the translation of Haversine's formula.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
CalcDistance(48.0193200,9.4042800,48.01932, 11.3819)
Sub CalcDistance(lat1 As Double,lon1 As Double,lat2 As Double, lon2 As Double)
Dim R As Double=6371
Dim dLat As Double=toRad(lat2-lat1)
Dim dLon As Double=toRad(lon2-lon1)
Dim alat1 As Double=toRad(lat1)
Dim alat2 As Double=toRad(lat2)
Dim a As Double = ASin(dLat/2)*ASin(dLat/2)+ASin(dLon/2)*ASin(dLon/2)*ACos(alat1)*ACos(alat2)
Dim c As Double=2*ATan2(Sqrt(a),Sqrt(1-a))
Dim d As Double=R*c
Log("Distance: "&Round2(d,1))
Return d
End Sub
Sub toRad(Value As Double) As Double
Dim value2 As Double
value2 = Value*cPI/180
Return value2
End Sub