Android Question CameraExClass and orientation

I've a similar issue like this post however I can't figure it out.

Our app is completly portrait. However a user can take a picture in every modus, it's a phone so landscape or portrait are options.

Using the code below results in allways an portrait preview and imagefile. Even if the picture is taken landscape.
camEx.SavePictureToFile(DataFoto, File.DirInternal, psFotoFilename)

    oImageView.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
    oImageView.Bitmap =  camEx.LoadbitmapSample2(File.DirInternal,psFotoFilename,oImageView.Width,oImageView.Height,True)

When checking the exif data from the picture, the result i allways 90. Wheter we're holding the phone landscape or portrait
Dim retValue As Int = 0
    Dim filepath As String
    Dim exif As ExifData

    filepath = dir & "/" & Filename
    exif.Initialize("", filepath)
    ' // Get orientation
    Dim w As Int = exif.getAttributeInt (exif.TAG_ORIENTATION, 0)
    If w = exif.ORIENTATION_NORMAL Then retValue = 0
    If w = exif.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90  Then retValue = 90
    If w = exif.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180  Then retValue = 180
    If w = exif.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270  Then retValue = 270
    Return retValue

Really need some help with this. Does the portrait mode has something to do with it?
I think I've found a workaround.
In Main we set the
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified 'used to be portrait

In every view/activity that should not rotate we set, in the create, the following
    Dim phone As Phone

Then there is no rotation possible.
All other activities and views need to be checked and tested.
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