Java Question Clarification about Libraries


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi B4A Member.

I was able to recreate Erels' FirstLib in his video tutorial; that was a great into.
But that raised other questions.

I take it that I cannot just grab any .jar library and make it into a B4A library?
Or am i wrong? I have a library that is for a CC processor -
and want to make it into a Library for B4A - (this is how I learn, just jump in)

It does not print anything or deal with any GUI or Activity stuff.
It Does however deal with HTTP connections.
I realize I will have to raise events in B4A for responses.

Any pointers?


Licensed User
Longtime User
You will need to write a library that wraps the "native" library. You can use @DependsOn annotation to reference the native library.

Note that it is usually easier to implement Http calls in Basic4android code instead of Java.

Probably a code module would be an easier approach for now.

Thanks as always.