Spanish Como puedo hacer que cuando genere un nuevo ticket con el boton "Nuevo Pedido"


Quiero poder guardar el archivo dentro del celular, que genere una carpeta o lo guarde en la tarjeta interna y que el nombre lleve un continuidad (ticket1, ticket2, ticket3,etc)

donde quiero ocupar:
Sub Process_Globals

    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.

    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

    Private xui As XUI

End Sub

Sub Globals

    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.

    Private TabHost1 As TabHost

    Private ScrollView1 As ScrollView

    Private ScrollView2 As ScrollView

    Private Button6 As Button

    Private ImageView1 As ImageView

    Private ImageView2 As ImageView

    Private ImageView3 As ImageView

    Private ImageView4 As ImageView

    Private ImageView6 As ImageView

    Private ImageView7 As ImageView

    Private Label1 As Label

    Private Label2 As Label

    Private Label3 As Label

    Private Label4 As Label

    Private Label5 As Label

    Private Label6 As Label

    Private Panel1 As Panel

    Private ButtonP As Button

    Private ButtonR As Button

    Private LabelC As Label

    Private LabelT As Label

    Private Panel2 As Panel


    Public p As Int = 0

    Public nE As Int = 0

    Public nT As Int = 0

    Public nP As Int = 0

    Public nC As Int = 0

    Public nCo As Int = 0

    Public nB As Int = 0

    Public Matrix(3) As Double

    Public LabelE As Label

    Public LabelB As Label

    Public LabelCo As Label

    Public LabelP As Label

    Public LabelTa As Label

    Private LabelTotal As Label

    Private Labeliva As Label


End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)










End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView7_Click

    nB = nB + 1

    'no es necesario colocar una sentencia condicional if, ya que cuando precionamos la imagen

    'sera por que queremos agregar un platillo, si agregamos

    xui.MsgboxAsync(nB , "Agregado")

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView6_Click

    nCo = nCo + 1

    xui.MsgboxAsync(nCo , "Agregado")

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView5_Click

    nC = nC + 1

    xui.MsgboxAsync(nC , "Agregado")

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView4_Click

    nP = nP + 1

    xui.MsgboxAsync(nP , "Agregado")

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView3_Click

    nT = nT + 1

    xui.MsgboxAsync(nT , "Agregado")

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView2_Click

    nE = nE + 1

    xui.MsgboxAsync(nE , "Agregado")

End Sub

Private Sub ImageView1_Click


End Sub

Private Sub Button6_Click


End Sub

'Private Sub ButtonR_Click
'esta parte fue de una publicacion preguntando pero no funciono

    'File.WriteString(File.DirInternal, $"pedido_${Ticket}.txt"$, "muchos pedidos")



        'Log("Error al escribir")

    'End Try

    nE = 0

    nT = 0

    nP = 0

    nC = 0

    nCo = 0

    nB = 0

    LabelE.Text = ""

    LabelTa.Text = ""

    LabelP.Text = ""

    LabelC.Text = ""

    LabelCo.Text = ""

    LabelB.Text = ""

        LabelTotal.Text = ""

    Labeliva.Text = ""

End Sub

'Private Sub Ticket As Int
'esta parte fue de una publicacion preguntando pero no funciono

    'Return File.ListFiles(File.DirInternal).Size

'End Sub

Private Sub ButtonP_Click

    Public Te As Int

    Public Tt As Int

    Public Tp As Int

    Public Tc As Int

    Public Tco As Int

    Public Tb As Int

    Public Total As Int

    Public Total_Iva As Float


    Te = 30 * nE

    If Te > 0 Then

        LabelE.Text=nE & "    Enchiladas ="&Te


            LabelE.Text = ""

    End If


    Tt = 25 * nT

    If Tt > 0 Then

        LabelTa.Text=nT & "    Tacos Dorados ="&Tt


        LabelTa.Text = ""

    End If


    Tp = 50 * nP

    If Tp > 0 Then

        LabelP.Text=nP & "    Pescado ="&Tp


        LabelP.Text = ""

    End If

    Tc = 60 * nC

    If Tc > 0 Then

        LabelC.Text=nC & "    Camarones ="&Tc


        LabelC.Text = ""

    End If


    Tco = 15 * nCo

    If Tco > 0 Then

        LabelCo.Text=nCo & "    Coca-Cola ="&Tco


        LabelCo.Text = ""

    End If


    Tb = 15 * nB

    If Tb > 0 Then

        LabelB.Text=nB & "    Boing ="&Tb


        LabelB.Text = ""

    End If





    If Total > 0 Then

        LabelTotal.Text="Total sin IVA es  "&Total

        Labeliva.Text="Total con IVA es  "&Total_Iva




    End If



End Sub
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