Android Question Computer - what parameters


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A new time is coming, time for a new computer ... What parameters should a computer have to make the work smooth, also on the simulator. I will say immediately that I mean a laptop ... I worked on HP Probook core-3, 8GB but it starts to go bad. I bought a DELL G3I7-9750H / 16GBV but the matrix is of poor quality and I give up this laptop. Which laptop model can you recommend mainly because of the matrix.


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Whatever you decide on, make sure it has a Solid State Drive. I put one in my 2014 Mac Mini about a year ago & it made a huge improvement to boot times (both Windows 10 & Mac OS X) & everything just runs faster. For disk intensive processes like compiling, etc... there's no point in having a super fast processor & huge amounts of RAM if you have a slow hard drive.

- Colin.
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SSD is the basis.
I lost all day in the supermarkets and bought a DELL... When I saw the white color on the monitor, I wanted to cry.
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For me, I will get at least a Core i5 so that I can run emulator or virtual machine.
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