Android Question Configuration Problems... please help...

Ian Kostman

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Okay... I know the solution for this has to be a simple one, but I haven't found it yet.When I try connecting the designer to my device, I get the following error message:


Also, I seem to have a similarly related issue when trying to launch the AVD Manager or Restart the ADB Server



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Ian Kostman

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Sorry about that Erel, obviously my cut and paste job failed.

So here's the scoop... launched B4A with an existing project, and connected via WiFi to the bridge; no problem.
I then launched the designer for my project... again, no problem.

Next, from the WYSIWYG Designer menu, I tried to connect to my device, and received the following error message...


So, going back to the B4A IDE, I selected Run AVD Manager from the Tools menu and was hit with an error telling me to configure my paths (and since I was already there, I tried to Restart ADB Server, but failed there as well).


Looking at my Path Configuration, I found a problem pretty quickly.


Clicking on browse for my android.jar entry showed me that the path "C:\Android\platforms\android-8\" no longer exists on my machine... logically, that's where the missing file(s) would have been. I have already attempted sevral solutions, but none were correct. Rather than posting all those failed attempts, I figured it would be wiser to simply leave this post clean and wait for an answer from someone who actually knows.
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Ian Kostman

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Thanks for reaching out Klaus.

My B4A dev environment is apparently in a pretty hosed state, and I have no problem uninstalling/re-installing; I just want to make sure I do it right. I have been developing for many years, but I am definitely a noob when it comes to working with Android.

So, I'll gladly uninstall any and all version of Java just to install clean and create a smooth environment where I can learn, grow, and develop. Do you have any suggestions for what to download (and from where). If you were to build a whole new environment today for B4A, how would you do it?
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An Schi

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An early chapter of the beginners guide deals with installing and seting up b4a, java and sdk. the links to the downloads there might not be uptodate, but you can just choose the newest download on the java linked page for example.
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Ian Kostman

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Thank you An Schi... I just downloaded the beginners guide and tutorial from Klaus. I'll go through it this weekend :)
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