Android Question Connection refused StatusCode -1


New Member
Hello guys!
This is my first time to post in this forum and I hope I could get some help.
I've been trying yesterday to run my android app using my new Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 but I always get this error:
Error: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused, StatusCode: -1
My app uses HttpClient to connect to MYSQL. When i test it using the emulator, it's working fine. I also tried running it before on my friends Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and it worked fine as well but when I use my tablet in either USB Debugging Mode and B4A Bridge (bluetooth), I always get the same error. I also tried running it on my device using B4a Bridge (wireless) but it says Ping failed. Could anyone here lend a hand to me? please. Thank you so much!