Hi all,
I'm new to B4A and loving it, an 'old' Vb programmer and really enjoying learning about Basic4Android. I'm looking for example code on how to create a professional looking interface/layout. I know its a very general question but would love to see sample code of an app with a professional, visually appealing screen interface. Any of the samples I looked at didn't have the source incl. and I tried searching but to no avail, maybe I'm not using the correct terms but someone will know what I mean!! Not really looking for game type interface, the app I am working on is more business related
Thanks in advance.....
I'm new to B4A and loving it, an 'old' Vb programmer and really enjoying learning about Basic4Android. I'm looking for example code on how to create a professional looking interface/layout. I know its a very general question but would love to see sample code of an app with a professional, visually appealing screen interface. Any of the samples I looked at didn't have the source incl. and I tried searching but to no avail, maybe I'm not using the correct terms but someone will know what I mean!! Not really looking for game type interface, the app I am working on is more business related
Thanks in advance.....