Android Question CsBuilder / Activity.Title


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Hi @Erel, all
i have this code:

    Dim cs As CSBuilder
    cs.Initialize.Append("Text with FontAwesome: ").Typeface(Typeface.FONTAWESOME).Append(Chr(0xF209)).PopAll
'    cs.Initialize.Append("Text with MaterialIcons: ").Typeface(Typeface.MATERIALICONS).VerticalAlign(5dip).Append(Chr(0xE84E)).PopAll

    Activity.Title = cs
'    Dim cs As CSBuilder
'    Activity.Title = cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello!").PopAll

But i have this effect with FontAwesome

and this effect with MaterialIcon

The some thing to color ( look last 2 records in code )
Where i wrong ?
Thank you
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