Still having trouble with a few things that should be a lot more straight forward by now...
I am placing my CustomView in the Designer, so that all the initializing takes place within, and I only use the DesignerCreateView sub to place the additional views that will be composing the final CustomView. All is OK that far.
What I get as a BUG is that, I define the CustomView Width in the designer to be (i.e) 250 and then, after setting a public sub to expose the Width I set it to be 200 in code, just to try things out.
In the CustomView Resize event I placed a log to see what was going on, and to my surprise, the log shows FIRST the resizing to 200, and AFTER sets the 250 as final width...
This is not what I would expect!
Still having trouble with a few things that should be a lot more straight forward by now...
I am placing my CustomView in the Designer, so that all the initializing takes place within, and I only use the DesignerCreateView sub to place the additional views that will be composing the final CustomView. All is OK that far.
What I get as a BUG is that, I define the CustomView Width in the designer to be (i.e) 250 and then, after setting a public sub to expose the Width I set it to be 200 in code, just to try things out.
In the CustomView Resize event I placed a log to see what was going on, and to my surprise, the log shows FIRST the resizing to 200, and AFTER sets the 250 as final width...
This is not what I would expect!