B4A Library Database table access skeleton class

Here is the the skeleton class I use for loading, saving and using sqlite tables

Note: The Date class can be found here (add this to your project)

'Class module

'Created by Nicholas John Joseph Taylor

'*>> ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX.bas <<*

' **Usage Instructions**
' 1) Create a new Class module based on the logical Name, following the convention ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX. Copy and Paste this code into it (Safer to then close this document incase it gets overwritten by mistake)
' 2) Perform a find&replace on XXXLogicalNameXXX, XXXPrimaryKeyColumnNameXXX and XXXTableNameXXX, replacing each respectively with the logical name for the class, the name of the primary key column and the name of the table in the database.
' 3) Replace Example columns with your own (Minus primary key field as it was setup up in step 1), using the examples to guide you. There are five Column Replacement Sections to overwrite
' 4) (optional) It is advised that any shared SubProcedures be created in a code module named following the convention XXXLogicalNameXXX

Sub Class_Globals
   Dim IntPrimaryKey As Int
   ' *>> Column replacement section #1 <<*
   Dim IntColumnExampleIntegerColumn As Int
   Dim StrColumnExampleTextColumn As String
   Dim DteColumnExampleDateColumn As Date
   Dim DblColumnExampleRealColumn As Double
   Dim BlnColumnExampleBooleanColumn As Boolean
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(PrimaryKey As Int)
   IntPrimaryKey = PrimaryKey
End Sub

#Region Database Operations

Sub DatabaseLoad(PrimaryKey As Int)
   Dim StrSQLQuery As String = ""
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " SELECT "
   ' *>> Column replacement section #2 <<* Note: Remove the comma from the first. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you'll understand when you get an error and see two commas when there should only be one.
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleIntegerColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleTextColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleDateColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleRealColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleBooleanColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " FROM "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "    XXXTableNameXXX"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " WHERE "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "    XXXPrimaryKeyColumnNameXXX = " & PrimaryKey

   Dim Cursor As Cursor
    Cursor = Main.SQLite.ExecQuery(StrSQLQuery)
   If Cursor.RowCount = 1 Then   
      IntPrimaryKey = PrimaryKey
      Cursor.Position = 0
      ' *>> Column replacement section #3 <<*
      IntColumnExampleIntegerColumn = Cursor.GetInt("ExampleIntegerColumn")
      StrColumnExampleTextColumn = Cursor.GetString("ExampleTextColumn")
      If Not(DteColumnExampleDateColumn.IsInitialized) Then
      End If
      DblColumnExampleRealColumn = Cursor.GetDouble("ExampleRealColumn")
      BlnColumnExampleBooleanColumn = Cursor.GetInt("ExampleBooleanColumn") = 1
   End If

   LogColor("Loaded XXXLogicalNameXXX with query: " & StrSQLQuery,Colors.Green)

End Sub

Sub DatabaseSave
   Dim StrSQLQuery As String = ""
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "   
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "XXXTableNameXXX"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "("
   If IntPrimaryKey>0 Then
      StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "XXXPrimaryKeyColumnNameXXX,"
   End If
   ' *>> Column replacement section #4 <<* 
   ' Hint: This will be identical to *>> Column replacement section #2 <<* Copy&Paste that section here
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleIntegerColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleTextColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleDateColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleRealColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , ExampleBooleanColumn"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & ")"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " VALUES "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "("   
   If IntPrimaryKey>0 Then
      StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & IntPrimaryKey & ","
   End If
   ' *>> Column replacement section #5 <<*
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & IntColumnExampleIntegerColumn       
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & "'" & StrColumnExampleTextColumn & "'"      
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & "'" & DteColumnExampleDateColumn.GetISO8601Date & "'"      
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & DblColumnExampleRealColumn    
   If BlnColumnExampleBooleanColumn Then
      StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & ",1"   
      StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & ",0"   
   End If
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & ")"

   If IntColumnPrimaryKey < 1 Then
      IntColumnPrimaryKey = CdDBUtils.GetIntFromDB("XXXPrimaryKeyColumnNameXXX","SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS XXXPrimaryKeyColumnNameXXX",-1)
      If IntColumnPrimaryKey = -1 Then
         LogColor("Error getting XXXPrimaryKeyColumnNameXXX after XXXLogicalNameXXX saved to database" & StrSQLQuery, Colors.Red)
      End If
   End If
   LogColor("Saved XXXLogicalNameXXX with query: " & StrSQLQuery,Colors.Green)

End Sub

#End Region

'Below is the code for the accompanying code module

''Code module
''*>> CdXXXLogicalNameXXX.bas <<*
''Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
'Sub Process_Globals
'   'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'   'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
'End Sub
'#Region Get Object
'   Sub New As ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX    
'      Dim Result As ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX
'      Try
'         Dim XXXLogicalNameXXX As ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX
'         XXXLogicalNameXXX.Initialize
'         XXXLogicalNameXXX.DatabaseNew
'         If XXXLogicalNameXXX.IntColumnPrimaryKey > 0 Then
'            Result = XXXLogicalNameXXX
'         End If
'      Catch
'         LogColor(LastException.Message,Colors.Magenta)
'      End Try
'      Return Result
'   End Sub
'   Sub Get(IntPrimaryKey As Int) As ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX
'      Dim Result As ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX
'      Try
'         If IntPrimaryKey > 0 Then
'            Dim XXXLogicalNameXXX As ClsXXXLogicalNameXXX
'            XXXLogicalNameXXX.Initialize
'            XXXLogicalNameXXX.DatabaseLoad(IntPrimaryKey)
'            If XXXLogicalNameXXX.IntColumnPrimaryKey > 0 Then
'               Result = XXXLogicalNameXXX
'            End If
'         End If
'      Catch
'         LogColor(LastException.Message,Colors.Magenta)
'      End Try
'      Return Result
'   End Sub
'#End Region

Feel free to get in touch if anyone has any problems

I intend to add CreateTable fuctionality (Added to the Save sub-procedure), plus create a tool that generates these classes for me. If anyone else fancies doing this work for me then please share the code here. It will save me a job.

Kind regards,
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Here is an example of a class made with the above skeleton class:

'Class module

'*>> ClsPayment.bas <<*

Sub Class_Globals
   Dim IntPrimaryKey As Int
   Dim IntColumnCollectorID As Int
   Dim IntColumnTableRecID As Int
   Dim IntColumnTicketNum As Int
   Dim DteColumnPaymentDate As Date
   Dim DblColumnAmount As Double
   Dim IntColumnPaymentTypeID As Int
   Dim DblColumnLongitude As Double
   Dim DblColumnLatitude As Double
   Dim DteColumnPostedDate As Date
   Dim IntColumnTicketID As Int
   Dim DteColumnSendAckdByServer As Date
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(PrimaryKey As Int)
   IntPrimaryKey = PrimaryKey
End Sub

#Region Database Operations

Sub DatabaseLoad(PrimaryKey As Int)
   Dim StrSQLQuery As String = ""
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " SELECT "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "     CollectorID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , TableRecID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , TicketNum"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , PaymentDate"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , Amount"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , PaymentTypeID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , Longitude"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , Latitude"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , PostedDate"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , TicketID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , SendAckdByServer"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " FROM "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "    TabletCLPayments"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " WHERE "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "    ID = " & PrimaryKey

   Dim Cursor As Cursor
    Cursor = Main.SQLite.ExecQuery(StrSQLQuery)
   If Cursor.RowCount = 1 Then   
      IntPrimaryKey = PrimaryKey
      Cursor.Position = 0
      IntColumnCollectorID = Cursor.GetInt("CollectorID")
      IntColumnTableRecID = Cursor.GetInt("TableRecID")
      IntColumnTicketNum = Cursor.GetInt("TicketNum")
      If Not(DteColumnPaymentDate.IsInitialized) Then
      End If
      DblColumnAmount = Cursor.GetDouble("Amount")
      IntColumnPaymentTypeID = Cursor.GetInt("PaymentTypeID")
      DblColumnLongitude = Cursor.GetDouble("Longitude")
      DblColumnLatitude = Cursor.GetDouble("Latitude")
      If Not(DteColumnPostedDate.IsInitialized) Then
      End If
      IntColumnTicketID = Cursor.GetInt("TicketID")
      If Not(DteColumnSendAckdByServer.IsInitialized) Then
      End If
   End If

   LogColor("Loaded Payment with query: " & StrSQLQuery,Colors.Green)

End Sub

Sub DatabaseSave
   Dim StrSQLQuery As String = ""
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "   
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "TabletCLPayments"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "("
   If IntPrimaryKey>0 Then
      StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "ID,"
   End If
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "     CollectorID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , TableRecID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , TicketNum"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , PaymentDate"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , Amount"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , PaymentTypeID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , Longitude"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , Latitude"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , PostedDate"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , TicketID"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "   , SendAckdByServer"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & ")"
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & " VALUES "
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "("   
   If IntPrimaryKey>0 Then
      StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & IntPrimaryKey & ","
   End If
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & IntColumnCollectorID    
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & IntColumnTableRecID    
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & IntColumnTicketNum    
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & "'" & DteColumnPaymentDate.GetISO8601Date & "'"      
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & DblColumnAmount 
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & IntColumnPaymentTypeID    
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & DblColumnLongitude 
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & DblColumnLongitude    
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & "'" & DteColumnPostedDate.GetISO8601Date & "'"      
   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & IntColumnTicketID    

   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & "," & "'" & DteColumnSendAckdByServer.GetISO8601Date & "'"      

   StrSQLQuery = StrSQLQuery & ")"


   LogColor("Saved Payment with query: " & StrSQLQuery,Colors.Green)

End Sub

#End Region
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Longtime User
Nice job!
would be nice to see some CRUD demo with this class used