This is a wrap in Development for Datalogic Scanner.
As of now it is only tested on a
- Datalogic Joja Touch A6. Nearly everything is working here for me with my Joja device. Except the Keyboardmanager and all it´s functions. I just did not tried it so far...
- Datalogic Menor 1. Here some things are not working. A Menor 1 device is on it´s way to me so i can check the problem then. UPDATE: The Menor needs to have a Firmware with SDK Version 1.14 at minimum. A new Firmware will be available soon.
Other devices are not tested.
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.30
- A Datalogic Scanner with SDK Version 1.14+
Please create a new thread in the questionsforum for any Issue or Question you have.
As of now it is only tested on a
- Datalogic Joja Touch A6. Nearly everything is working here for me with my Joja device. Except the Keyboardmanager and all it´s functions. I just did not tried it so far...
- Datalogic Menor 1. Here some things are not working. A Menor 1 device is on it´s way to me so i can check the problem then. UPDATE: The Menor needs to have a Firmware with SDK Version 1.14 at minimum. A new Firmware will be available soon.
Other devices are not tested.
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.30
- BarcodeManager
- Events:
- onRead (code As String, barcodetype As String)
- onScanDeinit()
- onScanInit()
- onScanStarted()
- onScanStopped()
- onScanTimeout()
- Functions:
- AddReadListener
- AddStartListener
- AddStopListener
- AddTimeoutListener
- commitProperties As Int
- CreateReadListener
- CreateStartListener
- CreateStopListener
- CreateTimeoutListener
- enableAllSymbologies (enable As Boolean) As Int
- enableSymbology (barcodeType As String, enable As Boolean) As Int
- GetProperties (b4alist As List)
- Initialize (EventName As String) As MyMap
- isInitialized As Boolean
Checks if the Scanner Service is correctly initialized.
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DecodeException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DecodeException} error constants. - isSymbologyEnabled (barcodeType As String) As Boolean
- isSymbologySupported (barcodeType As String) As Boolean
- pressTrigger As Int
- release As Int
- releaseTrigger As Int
- RemoveReadListener
ReadListener - RemoveStartListener
StartListener - RemoveStopListener
StopListener - RemoveTimeoutListener
TimeoutListener - startDecode As Int
Get String Property from Batterymanager - startDecode2 (timeout As Int) As Int
- stopDecode As Int
- AddReadListener
- Properties:
- dnotification As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.DecodingNotification [read only]
- ean8 As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.Ean8 [read only]
- Editor As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor [read only]
- Formatting As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.Formatting [read only]
- goodread As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.GoodRead [read only]
- intentWedge As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentWedge [read only]
- LedGOODREAD As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led [read only]
- LedGREENSPOT As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led [read only]
- LedNOTIFICATION As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led [read only]
- scannerOptions As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ScannerOptions [read only]
- dnotification As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.DecodingNotification [read only]
- Events:
- BatteryStatus
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- Properties:
- BatteryStateOfHealth As Int [read only]
- CapacityFull As Int [read only]
- CapacityRemaining As Int [read only]
- ChargeCurrentMax As Int [read only]
- DischargeCurrentMax As Int [read only]
- TemperatureMax As Int [read only]
- TemperatureMin As Int [read only]
- TimeToEmpty As Int [read only]
- BatteryStateOfHealth As Int [read only]
- Functions:
- DecodingNotification
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- Properties:
- goodReadAudioFile As String
- goodReadAudioMode As String
- goodReadCount As Int
- goodReadDuration As Int
- goodReadInterval As Int
- goodReadAudioFile As String
- Functions:
- Ean8
- Functions:
- convertToEan13 As Boolean
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- convertToEan13 As Boolean
- Properties:
- enable As Boolean
- sendChecksum As Boolean [write only]
- enable As Boolean
- Functions:
- Formatting
- Functions:
- enableexternalFormatting (value As Boolean)
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- removeNonPrintableChars (value As Boolean)
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- enableexternalFormatting (value As Boolean)
- Properties:
- gsSubstitution As String [write only]
- labelPrefix As String [write only]
- labelSuffix As String [write only]
- gsSubstitution As String [write only]
- Functions:
- GoodRead
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- Properties:
- goodReadEnable As Boolean
- goodReadLedEnable As Boolean
- goodReadVibrateEnable As Boolean
- greenSpotEnable As Boolean
- goodReadEnable As Boolean
- Functions:
- IntentDeliveryModes
- Fields:
- BROADCAST As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
- START_ACTIVITY As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
- START_SERVICE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
- BROADCAST As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
- Fields:
- IntentWedge
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- Properties:
- Action As String
- Category As String
- DeliveryMode As String
- Enable As Boolean
- extraBarcodeData As String
- extraBarcodeString As String
- extraBarcodeType As String
- Action As String
- Functions:
- KeyboardManager
- Functions:
- clearAllMappings As Int
Removes all the configured mappings. Whenever this method is called, all
the current active mappings are cleared and removed.
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants. - clearMapping (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Int
Removes a single active mapping. The current active mapping for the
selected {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry}, if
existing, is removed.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code, mapped that must be removed.
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants. - disableKey (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, disable As Boolean) As Int
Disables completely a single physical key, through the {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry} data structure.
When a key is disabled, no input will be produced whenever key presses are detected. When a key is again re-enabled,
is reset to its original value, so any previous mapping is automatically lost.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code, associated to the physical key.
disable: a <code>boolean</code> that specifies whether or not the key will be disabled.
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants. - getIntent (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Intent
Returns current mapping between a physical key and an Intent.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
Return type: @return:Intent used to launch an Android activity through the
Context.startActivity(Intent intent) method. Returns null in case
there is no association. - getKeyCode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As com.datalogic.device.input.KeyCodeEntry
Returns current mapping between a physical scan code key and an Android key code.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
Return type: @return:{@link KeyCodeEntry} representing an Android key code and meta state. Returns null in case there
is no association. - getUnicode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Character
Returns current mapping between a physical key and a unicode character.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
Return type: @return:unicode character. Returns null in case there is no association. - Initialize
- isKeyDisabled (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Boolean
Checks if a physical key is disabled.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code, associated to the physical key.
Return type: @return:<code>boolean</code> True in case the key is disabled, false otherwise or in case of error. - lockInput (lock As Boolean) As Int
Locks or unlocks the input from keyboard and physical buttons.
lock: <code>boolean</code> it specifies whether or not the keyboard will be locked.
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants. - mapIntent (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, intent As Intent) As Int
Assigns an Intent to a physical key. If a mapping for the desired
physical key is already assigned and saved, it will be overridden.
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
intent: Intent used to launch an Android activity through the
Context.startActivity(Intent intent) method. <br>
Example code to make Camera Activity capture an image on the
front scan trigger pressure:<br>
<code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapIntent(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_FRONT_TRIGGER), new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE));</code>
Example code to make BarcodeManager capture a barcode on the
front scan trigger pressure and to stop capturing on the front
scan trigger release:<br>
<code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapIntent(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_FRONT_TRIGGER), new Intent(BarcodeManager.ACTION_START_DECODE));</code>
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants. - mapKeyCode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, keyCode As com.datalogic.device.input.KeyCodeEntry) As Int
Assigns a virtual key code to a physical key. If a mapping for the
desired physical key is already assigned and saved, it will be
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
keyCode: a {@link KeyCodeEntry} representing the Android key code and meta state. <br>
Example code to avoid any keyboard event on the left scan
trigger pressure:<br>
<code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapKeyCode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_LEFT_TRIGGER), new KeyCodeEntry(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN));</code>
Example code to map the left scan trigger to the Android left
trigger button key code:<br>
<code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapKeyCode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_LEFT_TRIGGER), new KeyCodeEntry(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1));</code>
Example code to map the enter key to the Android home key
<code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapKeyCode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_RIGHT_ENTER), new KeyCodeEntry(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME));</code>
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants. - mapUnicode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, c As Character) As Int
Assigns a unicode character to a physical key. If a mapping for the
desired physical key is already assigned and saved, it will be
scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
c: unicode character <br>
Example code to assign a Thai unicode character to the
physical key '1':<br>
<code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapUnicode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_1), '\\u0e01');</code>
Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
- clearAllMappings As Int
- Properties:
- AvailableTriggers As java.util.List [read only]
Returns the available triggers in the device. - InputLocked As Boolean [read only]
Tells if the input from keyboard is locked. - KeyboardLayout As Int(,) [read only]
Returns the physical keyboard layout. It can be used by application for
keyboard remapping. - MappedIntents As java.util.Map [read only]
Provides a {@link java.util.Map}<
{@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry},
{@link <a href="">android.content.Intent</a>}
> containing all the stored and active Android Intent mappings. - MappedKeyCodes As java.util.Map [read only]
Provides a {@link java.util.Map}<
{@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry}, {@link com.datalogic.device.input.KeyCodeEntry}>
containing all the stored and active Android key codes mappings. - MappedUnicodes As java.util.Map [read only]
Provides a {@link java.util.Map}<
{@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry},
{@link java.lang.Character}> containing all the stored and active
Character mappings.
- AvailableTriggers As java.util.List [read only]
- Functions:
- KeyboardWedge
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- Properties:
- Enable As Boolean
- onlyOnFocus As Boolean
- wedgeMode As String
- Enable As Boolean
- Functions:
- LedManager
- Functions:
- blinkLed (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, count As Int, onMS As Int, offMS As Int) As Int
- blinkLed2 (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, ARGB As Int, count As Int, onMS As Int, offMS As Int) As Int
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- setLed (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, enable As Boolean) As Int
- setLed2 (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, enable As Boolean, ARGB As Int) As Int
- blinkLed (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, count As Int, onMS As Int, offMS As Int) As Int
- Functions:
- ManufacturerInfo
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- Properties:
- Manufacturer As String [read only]
- ModelName As String [read only]
- ProductionMonth As Int [read only]
- ProductionWeek As Int [read only]
- ProductionYear As Int [read only]
- SerialNumber As String [read only]
- Technology As String [read only]
- Manufacturer As String [read only]
- Functions:
- PowerManager
- Functions:
- activateWakeup (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Int
- clearWakeup (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Int
- getSuspendTimeout (externalPower As Boolean) As Int
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- isWakeupSupported (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Boolean
- reboot (resetType As com.datalogic.device.BootType) As Int
- setSuspendTimeout (timeout As com.datalogic.device.power.SuspendTimeout, externalPower As Boolean) As Int
- activateWakeup (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Int
- Properties:
- RebootReason As String [read only]
- Functions:
- ScannerOptions
- Functions:
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
- Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
- Properties:
- aimEnable As Boolean
- decodeTimeout As Int
- displayModeEnable As Boolean
- illuminationEnable As Boolean
- picklistEnable As Boolean
- targetMode As String
- aimEnable As Boolean
- Functions:
- ToneNotificationModes
- Fields:
- AUDIO_FILE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
- BEEP As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
- NONE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
- AUDIO_FILE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
- Fields:
- Trigger
- Fields:
ID for AutoScan trigger. - TRIGGER_ID_FRONT As Int
ID for Front trigger. - TRIGGER_ID_LEFT As Int
ID for Left trigger. - TRIGGER_ID_MOTION As Int
ID for Motion trigger. - TRIGGER_ID_PISTOL As Int
ID for Pistol trigger. - TRIGGER_ID_RIGHT As Int
ID for Right trigger.
- Fields:
- A Datalogic Scanner with SDK Version 1.14+
Please create a new thread in the questionsforum for any Issue or Question you have.
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