iOS Question Debug error

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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
Hi guys I'm getting this error when I try to debug do i need to have both certificates on the Key folder?

Parsing code. (0.00s)
Building folders structure. (0.06s)
Compiling code. (0.01s)
Building designer app. (0.04s)
Building Xcode project. (0.30s)
Preparing project for builder. Error
Store provision profile can only be used in Release compilation.

Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
As the error message says, you cannot run an app with a "store provision profile" in debug mode.

You need to have two provision profiles - a distribution profile and a store profile.
Hi Erel so I can have both provision files and I will be able to debug I sent an example should the Keys file looks like this please check the attached image


  • MPFs.jpg
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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
Hi Erel so I can have both provision files and I will be able to debug I sent an example should the Keys file looks like this please check the attached image
After adding the distribution provision to the Keys File and attempting to build a release file I get this error message:
Application compiled with non-store provision profile.
the store provision file was not moved or changed I only added the dist provision file and renamed it by default since I got an error warning me about this
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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
So if i remove the default provision file that is the distribution file and i set the App release i get the:
Sending data to remote compiler. (23.07s)
Application compiled with store provision profile.
You can download the ipa file with Tools - Build Server - Download Last Build.

Completed successfully.
But when i try to test the zip file on Appetize i get this error saying No,app found please check yhe attached image:


  • Appetize.jpg
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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
Can you also please tell me what I'm able to do with this file since I get the message saying
An application compiled with store provision profile.
You can download the IPA file with Tools - Build Server - Download Last Build.
Is this the archive file I need to upload to Apple to publish my app
You don't need to remove anything. You do need to use #ProvisionFile to set the correct one.

For example:
#ProvisionFile: default.mobileprovision
#ProvisionFile: store.mobileprovision   
Thanks, Erel I'm going to try this,,,
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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
Erel thanks that worked can you please confirm if the zip file that is generated by the software is the one that should be uploaded to the Apple developer account and just to make sure it should say this?
Application compiled with store provision profile.
You can download the IPA file with Tools - Build Server - Download Last Build.

Just want to make sure that I'm on the right steps to finally upload my app for the review - thanks for your help!
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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
If you are using the hosted builder then yes, you need to open Tools - Build Server - Upload app and choose the zip.

If not then you need to extract the ipa file and upload it from the Mac. There is a tutorial in the forum.
Hi, Erel yes I have the Hosted Builder feature on the information that is requested is this the developer user and password information that should be placed there or the Apple ID stuff?


  • Upload.jpg
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Full HD Streaming

Licensed User
Hi Erel can you please guide me with this...
I got this message from Apple saying:

Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:

ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the 'aps-environment' entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the 'aps-environment' entitlement.

Apps without required entitlements are rejected during the App Store review process.
During testing, trying to register with APNs without the proper entitlement returns an error.

Any tips on how can i fix this... Thanks!

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